Fig. 3. Horizontally transferred genes.
Phylogenetic analysis (unrooted trees) of vSAG genes (NCLDVs are green branches). A vSAG8.JdFR gene_262, iron-sulfur clusters transporter atm1, mitochondrial enzyme; (B) vSAG1.JdFR gene_123 and vSAG8.JdFR gene_198, peroxisome_bioproteinsis_factor_10, variant 2. *Marseillevirus LCMAC201 from deep sea sediments. **Hypothetical protein of Megaviridae environmental sample from marine metagenome; (C) vSAG1.JdFR gene_173 and vSAG8.JdFR gene_40, ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-24 kDa-like isoform X2. CeV - Chrysochromulina ericina virus, CeV-01b (YP_009173309.1); (D) vSAG1.JdFR gene_195 and vSAG8.JdFR gene_62, regulatory protein MIG1.