Fig. 5. Secreted Pel contributes to the physical and mechanical properties of PA14 biofilms.
a Standing pellicle assay. Top, pellicles of the indicated strains grown in borosilicate glass tubes. Bottom, corresponding pellicles poured into a petri dish. b Congo red colony morphologies. c Representative images of water droplets on colony biofilms used for the contact angle measurements. d Illustration of contact angle (θ) measurement and its implication for surface hydrophobicity. e Contact angle hydrophobicity assay. Error bars represent standard deviation of four independent trials. f Young’s modulus quantified from uniaxial indentation rheology. Error bars represent standard deviation of eight independent trials. Statistical significance was evaluated using an ordinary one-way analysis of variance with Tukey corrections for multiple comparisons. ns, no significant difference, P ≥ 0.05; ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.