Table 1.
Incidence or prevalence of each disease by year from primary Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy
Denominator (patient-year)
Average age
Upper gastrointestinal diseases
Barrett’s esophagus
Other upper gastrointestinal diseases
-10 | 1146497 | 48.9 | 2.31% (2.28%, 2.33%) | 0.004% (0.002%, 0.005%) | 11.45% (11.39%, 11.51%) | 0.029% (0.026%, 0.032%) | 17.5% (17.4%, 17.5%) |
-9 | 1943505 | 50.1 | 2.55% (2.52%, 2.57%) | 0.006% (0.005%, 0.008%) | 11.10% (11.05%, 11.14%) | 0.028% (0.025%, 0.030%) | 20.0% (19.9%, 20.0%) |
-8 | 2761765 | 51.3 | 2.75% (2.73%, 2.77%) | 0.007% (0.006%, 0.008%) | 10.57% (10.54%, 10.61%) | 0.026% (0.024%, 0.028%) | 21.3% (21.2%, 21.3%) |
-7 | 3364755 | 52.5 | 3.02% (3.00%, 3.04%) | 0.010% (0.009%, 0.011%) | 9.89% (9.86%, 9.92%) | 0.027% (0.025%, 0.029%) | 23.1% (23.1%, 23.2%) |
-6 | 4001760 | 53.7 | 3.18% (3.16%, 3.19%) | 0.011% (0.010%, 0.012%) | 9.27% (9.24%, 9.30%) | 0.027% (0.025%, 0.028%) | 24.4% (24.3%, 24.4%) |
-5 | 4520587 | 54.9 | 3.38% (3.37%, 3.40%) | 0.015% (0.014%, 0.016%) | 8.67% (8.64%, 8.70%) | 0.028% (0.026%, 0.029%) | 25.7% (25.7%, 25.7%) |
-4 | 4746859 | 55.9 | 3.48% (3.47%, 3.50%) | 0.018% (0.017%, 0.019%) | 7.54% (7.51%, 7.56%) | 0.027% (0.025%, 0.028%) | 27.4% (27.3%, 27.4%) |
-3 | 4880888 | 56.9 | 3.58% (3.56%, 3.59%) | 0.023% (0.022%, 0.024%) | 6.50% (6.48%, 6.53%) | 0.027% (0.026%, 0.028%) | 28.8% (28.7%, 28.8%) |
-2 | 5025747 | 57.9 | 3.80% (3.78%, 3.81%) | 0.030% (0.028%, 0.031%) | 6.04% (6.02%, 6.06%) | 0.029% (0.027%, 0.030%) | 30.3% (30.3%, 30.4%) |
-1 | 4732998 | 58.8 | 11.01% (10.99%, 11.04%) | 0.164% (0.161%, 0.168%) | 19.31% (19.27%, 19.35%) | 0.046% (0.044%, 0.048%) | 33.7% (30.3%, 30.4%) |
0 | 4892585 | 59.8 | 11.33% (11.30%, 11.36%) | 0.223% (0.219%, 0.227%) | 16.48% (16.45%, 16.51%) | 0.053% (0.051%, 0.055%) | 34.7% (34.7%, 34.8%) |
1 | 4137930 | 61.0 | 3.84% (3.82%, 3.86%) | 0.083% (0.080%, 0.086%) | 0.15% (0.15%, 0.16%) | 0.034% (0.032%, 0.036%) | 35.0% (34.9%, 35.0%) |
2 | 3344893 | 62.2 | 3.30% (3.28%, 3.32%) | 0.080% (0.077%, 0.083%) | 0.12% (0.12%, 0.13%) | 0.030% (0.028%, 0.032%) | 35.7% (35.7%, 35.8%) |
3 | 2520763 | 63.4 | 2.98% (2.96%, 3.00%) | 0.076% (0.072%, 0.079%) | 0.10% (0.09%, 0.10%) | 0.030% (0.028%, 0.032%) | 36.7% (36.7%, 36.8%) |
4 | 1900509 | 64.5 | 2.76% (2.74%, 2.78%) | 0.076% (0.072%, 0.080%) | 0.09% (0.08%, 0.09%) | 0.028% (0.026%, 0.031%) | 36.5% (36.4%, 36.6%) |
5 | 1275881 | 65.4 | 2.51% (2.49%, 2.54%) | 0.073% (0.069%, 0.078%) | 0.07% (0.07%, 0.07%) | 0.028% (0.025%, 0.031%) | 38.6% (38.5%, 38.7%) |
The prevalence of allergic diseases and incidence of the other diseases are shown with 95% confidence intervals (lower limit, upper limit). Year 0 is the year of primary eradication, and negative values represent years before primary eradication. The elapsed year from the eradication was calculated as the integer part of the difference in the year and the time of the eradication. If the difference was negative, the elapsed year was the integer part minus one, as in SAS, the integers of the negative numbers were rounded up. GERD: Gastroesophageal reflux disease; IBD: Inflammatory bowel disease.