Fig. 6.
Placental gene network and protein expression changes associated with excessive HS. Global transcriptomic analysis of term villous placentas was conducted using mRNA-sequencing (n = 126). Data analysis to identify DEGs was done based on excessive HS in the first trimester (n = 29 HS; n = 97 non-HS controls). Excessive HS was defined as >20 days with Tmax over 39°C in the first trimester. (A) IPA based analysis of DEGs showing enrichment of mTOR and downstream targets. (B) Upstream regulator analysis showing predicted regulation of RPS and RPL genes via mTOR and LARP1. (C) mRNA expression of critical RPL and RPS family genes that play critical roles in protein translation showing coordinated downregulation in HS placenta. (D) Protein expression of pEIF2a, p-70S6K, p-4EBP1, and pAMPK, relative to total levels of respective protein in placental whole cell lysates (n = 12/group). P-values were derived using Student’s t-test. Complete list of DEGs included in Supplementary Materials.