Table 4.
Summary of Opportunities for Intervention to Alleviate Caregiver Guilt
Intervention/CG Strength | Description |
| |
Communication | Provide communication skills training and activities through role play situations; improve communication real-time during family session; provide training in effective communication, CG setting boundaries with others |
Community or support | Encourage seeking community support; support groups; connecting with others in similar situations, has a lot of friends going through this too |
Decision-making | Being able to talk through specific decisions re healthcare or traditions; provide training on effective problem-solving and conflict resolution |
Focus on positives | What is going on / not going on that is actually good |
Psychoeducation | Information provided by Counselor, knowledge that CG brings, what they already made an effort to learn |
Reframing | Seeing situation differently, providing a different perspective, adjusting expectations |
Self-forgiveness | “I’m doing my best”; CG not being so hard on self |
Stress management or self-care | Steps that CG can take to manage stress or take care of oneself |
Validation | Normalize CG experience, externally provided and/or CG brings it to the situation |