Fig. 3.
5-HT1A receptors in early α/β neurons inhibits LTM formation. (A and B) Adult-stage-specific RNAi downregulation of proteins in early α/β neurons (with two independent RNAi constructs; two copies of each transgene) enhances 1-d memory after 3×S or only 1× training (Left) and lasts at least 4 d (Right). Gal4-targeted 5-HT1A downregulation is induced at the restrictive temperature for tub-Gal80ts (30 °C) from 5 d before training until testing. (C and D) Memory is unaffected in these flies held at the permissive temperature for tub-Gal80ts (18 °C) after 3×S or 1× training. (E and F) One-day memory is also unaffected in these flies held at 30 °C after 3×M or 10×S training. (G) Overexpressing 5-HT1A proteins in early α/β neurons impaired 1-d memory after 10×S (Left). The impairments were similar to those induced by CXM feeding (Center Left). Memory was unaffected at 18 °C after 10×S (Center Right) and at 30 °C after 10×M (Right).