Phenotypes of S. lycopersici and S. vesicarium transgenic lines expressing SIAV1 ORFs. (A) The colony morphology of S. lycopersici strains SlHN-10, EV (empty vector), SlORF1-T, SlORF2-T, SlORF3-T, SlORF4-T grown for 5 d on potato dextrose agar (PDA). (B) Symptoms of detached tomato leaves inoculated with S. lycopersici strains pictured at the fifth day post inoculation. (C) The colony morphology of S. vesicarium strains SvHN-02 and SvORF3-T grown for 5 d on PDA. (D) Symptoms of detached tomato leaves inoculated with SvHN-02 and SvORF3-T pictured at the fifth day post inoculation. (E) Measurement of lesion area induced by each strain on detached tomato leaves. Error bars indicate SDs (n = 9). Different letters indicate the statistically significant difference by a one-way ANOVA (P < 0.05).