Transgenic expression of SlAV1 ORF3 in S. lycopersici and S. vesicarium strains enhances disease resistance of tomato plants. (A) Tomato plants presprayed with hyphal fragment suspensions of ORF3-T strains, SlAV1-infected strains, ΔPKS1 mutants, virulent strains, or sterile water. (B–D) Tomato plants presprayed with hyphal fragment suspensions of SlHN-10-ORF3-T, SvHN-02-ORF3-T, or SlHN-03 but not sterile water show enhanced resistance against virulent S. lycopersici and S. vesicarium strain, respectively. The hyphal fragment suspension of virulent strains SlHN-10 or SvHN-02 is sprayed on leaves 48 h after spraying plants with their ORF3-transgenic expressed or SlHN-03 hyphal fragment suspensions, respectively. (E–G) The leaf closeup photos of (B–D), respectively. (H) Survival rates of infected tomato plants after spraying hyphal fragment suspensions of ORF3-T, SlHN-03, ΔPKS mutants, or sterile water. (I) Height measurement of plants with single or sequential spray of fungal strains or sterile water. Photos were taken 5 d post inoculation, plant survival rates of each day for fourteen consecutive days were calculated from nine tomato plants used for each treatment. Error bars indicate SDs (n = 6). Different letters indicate the statistically significant difference by a one-way ANOVA (P < 0.05).