Fig. 2.
BPA-induced obesity can be transmitted through the male and female gametes to alter feeding behavior. (A) Differences in body weight in F2 and F3 generation male mice ancestrally exposed to BPA and outcrossed to unexposed controls (CTL). POC, paternal outcross in which a BPA female was crossed to a control unexposed male. MOC, maternal outcross in which a BPA male was crossed to a control unexposed female (CTL n = 30 (4 crosses); F2 BPA (M) × BPA f, n = 43 (4 crosses), POC n = 13, MOC n = 10 (2 crosses each); F3 BPA (M) × BPA (F) n = 39 (4 crosses), POC n = 8; MOC n = 8 (2 crosses each). (B) Body weight differences in males and females between control, progeny from IVF experiments, and outcrosses between BPA-F2 and control (Male; CTL n = 31, IVF n = 27, CTL (M) × BPA (F) n = 31, BPA (M) × CTL (F) n = 28, Female; CTL n = 27, IVF n = 14, CTL (M) × BPA (F) n = 11, BPA (M) × CTL (F) n = 21. (C) Differences in total daily food intake between control and BPA-F4 males (CTL n = 7, BPA n = 8). (D) Average food intake by BPA-F4 and CTL males during the light and dark cycles over a 3-d period (CTL n = 7, BPA n = 8). (E) Respiratory exchange ratio in a 3-d period during the light and dark cycles in control and BPA-F4 males (CTL n = 7, BPA n = 7). (F) Cumulative respiratory exchange ratio during the light and dark cycles in control and BPA-F4 males (CTL n = 7, BPA n = 7). (G) Energy expenditure in a 3-d period during the light and dark cycles in control and BPA-F4 males (CTL n = 7, BPA n = 7). (H) Cumulative energy expenditure during the light and dark cycles in control and BPA-F4 males (CTL n = 7, BPA n = 7). P values were calculated as indicated in the Statistical Analyses of Metabolic Data section of Methods; ****P < 0.0001, ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05, ns not significant SI Appendix, Fig. S2).