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. 2023 Feb 3:1–25. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1038/s41576-022-00568-4

Table 1.

Representative list of human-specific genetic changes linked to phenotypes

Genetic feature Type of change Evolutionary relevance Proposed mechanism Phenotypic impact Refs.
AMY1 Copy number change Polymorphic in human populations Higher copy number of AMY1 leads to enhanced starch degradation through amylase enzyme activity in salivary glands Increased starch digestion capacity correlated with gene copy number and salivary amylase levels 25
AQP7 Copy number change Human specific Increased water and glycerol transport Might augment endurance running in humans 75
ARHGAP11B Segmental duplication Human specific Loss of Rho GAP activity owing to a change in splice site Basal progenitor amplification and neocortex expansion in mouse and marmoset models 165,166,168
BOLA2 Segmental duplication Human specific Correlation of gene copy number with RNA expression and protein levels Iron homeostasis and susceptibility to anaemia 297,298
CCL3L1 Segmental duplication Polymorphic in humans HIV-1-suppressing chemokine Lower copy numbers associated with AIDS susceptibility 299
CMAH Pseudogene Human specific 92-bp deletion in sialic acid hydroxylase domain leads to inactivation of enzyme activity that converts CMP-Neu5Ac into CMP-Neu5Gc Atherosclerosis predisposition; xenosialitis through circulating anti-Neu5Gc; immunological changes; changes in muscle fatigue 182,183,300302
FOXP2 Two single nucleotide substitutions positively selected (debated) Human specific Regulation of cortico-striatal circuit development Involved in speech and language capability 163,178,303
GHRD3 Deletion of an exon Human specific Growth hormone receptor gene is affected Associated with the response to nutritional defects along the evolutionary time course 304
HACNS1 (HAR2) Single nucleotide substitutions Human specific Regulates GBX2 expression (positively selected) Associated with digit, limb and pharyngeal arch patterning 155,159
HAR1 Single nucleotide substitutions Human specific Modification of the primary sequence and secondary structure of a non-coding RNA gene Expressed in Cajal–Retzius cells and other brain regions during development 70
HYDIN2 Segmental duplication Human specific Promoter modification altered tissue specificity of HYDIN2 isoforms in cerebellum and cerebral cortex Potentially involved in neurodevelopmental disorders 305
NBPF Oludvai/DUF1220 protein domain copy number change Human specific DUF1220 domain dosage-associated increase in neural stem cell proliferation Brain size and 1q21.1 syndrome 62,306,307
NOTCH2NL Segmental duplication Human specific Expressed in radial glia stem cells and tunes neuronal differentiation via NOTCH signalling Associated with expanded neocortex, observed at breakpoints in 1q21.1 deletion/duplication syndrome 170,171
NOVA1 Single nucleotide substitution Modern human specific Affecting alternative splicing during nervous system development Altering excitatory synaptic interactions and involvement in neurological disorders 264,308
Regulatory element of AR (hCONDEL569) Deletion of a highly conserved regulatory element Human specific Mouse and chimpanzee enhancer sequences drive lacZ expression in mouse model at facial vibrissae and genital tubercle Potential regulation of AR expression by the loss of this regulatory element leading to loss of sensory vibrissae and penile spines 72
Regulatory element of CACNA1C Large tandem repeats Human specific Intronic tandem repeat array of neurodevelopmental enhancer resulting in stronger gene expression in humans Increased expression of human CACNA1C during human neurodevelopment potentially linked to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia 44
Regulatory element of CUX1 (HAR426) Single nucleotide polymorphism Human specific G>A mutation within HAR426. CUX1 promoter and HAR426 interaction is likely to affect gene expression levels Rare disease might affect dendritic spine density and synaptogenesis 43,309
Regulatory element of FZD8 (HARE5) Human accelerated enhancer Human specific Developmental enhancer physically interacting with FZD8 promoter Accelerated neural progenitor cell cycle and increased neocortex size in a mouse model 156
Regulatory element of GADD45G (hCONDEL332) Deletion of a highly conserved regulatory element Human specific Mouse and chimpanzee enhancer sequences drive lacZ expression in the mouse ventral forebrain Potential expansion of particular inhibitory neuron populations 72
Regulatory element of GDF5–UQCC locus Single nucleotide polymorphism Polymorphic in human populations Chromatin accessibility profiles of joint chondrocytes reveal positively selected regulatory variants Affecting knee shape in humans and associated with osteoarthritis risk 37
Regulatory element of LCT Single nucleotide polymorphism Polymorphic in human populations Selective sweeps in the enhancer region enhance lactase expression in certain humans Milk product digestion into adulthood (lactase persistence) and potentially other phenotypes 24
Regulatory element of PPP1R17 (HAR2635 and HAR2636) HAR Human specific Chromatin contact of PPP1R17 promoter and HAR2635 and HAR2636 Acting as neurodevelopmental enhancer that may extend cell-cycle length in humans 148
SIGLEC13 Gene loss Human specific Alu-mediated recombination Resistance to sialylated bacterial infections 310,311
SLC22A4 Single nucleotide polymorphism Polymorphic in human populations Ergothioneine transporter Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis 312314
SLC24A5 Single nucleotide polymorphism Polymorphic in human populations UV radiation-induced transporter activity Variable skin pigmentation 315,316
SLC6A11 Single nucleotide polymorphism Polymorphic in human populations Single nucleotide change in a coding region Expressed in liver and modulating triacylglycerol metabolism, potential type 2 diabetes risk factor 317
SRGAP2 Segmental duplication Human specific Rho GAP family member SRGAP2 paralogues expressed in the developing human cortex. SRGAP2B and SRGAP2C are truncated duplications that antagonize by dimerizing with the ancestral form of SRGAP2 Affect dendritic spine density and morphology 173,174,318
TBC1D3 Segmental duplication Great ape specific Affecting neural progenitor proliferation by inhibiting histone methyltransferase G9A Cortical expansion and folding 319,320
TBXT Intronic Alu insertion Ape specific Alternative splicing of TBXT Associated with tail reduction or loss in mouse model of splicing change 321

HAR, human accelerated region; hCONDEL, human conserved deletion.