A) NHWD-870 (2mg/kg via gavage on a 5-day-on/2-day-off schedule) suppressed the tumor growth (left) and extended the survival (right) in the LX22 SCLC PDX model (an SCLC-N subtype). n=13 per group. B) A GSEA plot shows that NHWD-870 (2mg/kg via gavage daily for five days) significantly depleted the NEUROD1 gene signature in the LX22 PDX xenografts. n=6 per group. C) The effect of NHWD-870 on NEUROD1 and LSAMP transcript abundance (FPKM) in the LX22 model. D) NHWD-870 (3mg/kg via gavage daily) suppressed the growth (left) and extended the survival (right) in the LX33 SCLC PDX model (an SCLC-N subtype). n=6 per group. E) NHWD-870 (24 hrs) caused a dose-dependent decrease of LSAMP expression (qRT-PCR) in LX33 cells. F) LSAMP knockdown decreases LX33 proliferation. Left, knockdown of LSAMP by two siRNAs. Right, the effects of LSAMP knockdown on the proliferation of LX33 cells (72 hrs post-transfection). The significance of the two-group comparison was determined using the Student’s t-test with multiple test correction (A and D, left panels), the Student’s t-test (C), the Log-rank test (A and D, right panels), and the ANOVA test with Dunnett’s multiple test correction (E, and F right panel). *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001; ns, not significant. Ctr, control; FPKM, Fragments Per Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads; NES, normalized enrichment score; PDX, patient-derived xenograft.