a, ESI+ ion chromatograms for sngl#1 in WT, synthetic standards, and for co-injections of natural and synthetic samples. b, ESI+ ion chromatograms for sngl#1 (HILIC column) in endo-metabolome of WT and synthetic standard. c, ESI+ ion chromatograms for sngl#101, sngl#1 and 36 in WT and synthetic standards, indicating that the β-O-linked serotonin glucoside (sngl#1) was the by far major isomer, compared to α-O-linked 36. d, ESI+ ion chromatogram for sngl#101 in WT and synthetic standard. Y-axis for m/z 403.1476 was scaled 10-fold relative to chromatogram shown in panel c to highlight presence of trace amounts of sngl#101. e, Abundance of β-N- linked sngl#101 relative to β-O-linked sngl#1 in WT. f, Abundances of sngl#101 and sngl#1 in WT treated with 5 mM serotonin. g, h, ESI− ion chromatograms for sngl#2 (g) and sngl#4 (h) in endo-metabolomes of WT and synthetic standards using a C18 column. i-k, Chromatograms for sngl#2 (Amide HILIC column, ESI−), sngl#3 (HILIC column, ESI+) and sngl#4 (Amide HILIC column, ESI−) in endo-metabolomes of WT and synthetic standards. l, ESI+ MS/MS spectrum and proposed fragmentation of sngl#6. m, Relative abundance of serotonin derived metabolites in endo- and exo-metabolomes of unsupplemented WT. Data in e (n = 18), f (n = 3) and m (n = 3) represent biologically independent experiments and bars indicate mean ± s.d., p-values calculated by unpaired, two-tailed t-test with Welch correction.