Figure 3.
Complex effects on sleep homeostasis with thermoactivation of ring neurons. A–D, Decreased nighttime sleep often fails to induce rebound sleep on cessation of thermoactivation of ring neurons. A, Expression pattern of R64H04-GAL4 which labels R3a, R3m, and R3d neurons. B, Sleep profile and quantification of total sleep before, during, and after activation. Activation of R64H04-GAL4+ neurons reduced total sleep at night, and a persisting reduced sleep on cessation of activation. C, No significant change was observed in the number of episodes and maximum episode length. D, No change of P(doze) was observed, and significantly higher change in P(wake) than controls was found on cessation of activation. E–L, Drivers involved in the regulation of sleep amount and/or structure do not exhibit homeostatic rebound on cessation of thermoactivation. Expression pattern, sleep profile, quantification of sleep amount, sleep structure, and sleep drive/arousal threshold of each driver were presented. E–H, R47F07-GAL4. I–L, R84H09-GAL4. *p < 0.05. **p < 0.01. ***p < 0.001. ****p < 0.0001. Data are mean ± SEM. Scale bar: 20 μm.