FIG. 5.
Aphasia diagnoses for Broca’s area versus VLSM area resections. A: The distribution of aphasia diagnoses (dx) for resections involving Broca’s area (BA rsxn). A total of 75 resections involved Broca’s area. At postoperative day 2, 34.7% of patients with Broca’s area resections had language testing within normal limits (WNL), 37.3% were associated with a WAB diagnosis of anomia (WAB score ranges: fluency 5–10, comprehension 7–10, repetition 7–10, naming 0–9), 8.0% had Broca’s aphasia, 5.3% had global aphasia, 5.3% had Wernicke’s aphasia, 4.0% had conduction aphasia, 2.7% had transcortical motor aphasia, and 2.7% had transcortical sensory aphasia. B: Fractional resections of Broca’s area on the y-axis and aphasia diagnosis on the x-axis, for each patient with a resection involving Broca’s area. C: Lateral diagrammatic overlay of all resections that involved Broca’s area, superimposed with dashed outlines of Broca’s area (labeled "BA") and the area identified by the VLSM algorithm as significantly associated with Broca’s aphasia (labeled "VLSM"). D: Overlays of the 6/75 patients with Broca’s area resections who had Broca’s aphasia postoperatively, colored violet in the 3 whose resections did not overlap with the VLSM area, and colored pink in the 3 whose resections overlapped with the VLSM area. E: The distribution of aphasia diagnoses for resections involving the area identified by the VLSM algorithm as significantly associated with Broca’s aphasia (i.e., VLSM area). A total of 44 patients had resections in the VLSM area. Of these, 40.9% had language within normal limits. A total of 25.0% had Broca’s aphasia, 18.2% had anomia, 9.1% had conduction aphasia, 4.5% had global aphasia, 2.3% had transcortical motor aphasia, and none had transcortical sensory or Wernicke’s aphasia. F: Fractional resections of VLSM area on the y-axis and aphasia diagnosis on the x-axis, for each patient with a resection involving the VLSM area. G: Outlines of all 44 resections involving the VLSM area, superimposed with dashed outlines of Broca’s area and the VLSM area. H: The 11/44 resections involving the VLSM area that were associated with Broca’s aphasia. The 8 VLSM resections that did not involve Broca’s area are in pink, whereas the 3 that colocalized to Broca’s area are in violet.