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. 2023 Feb 5;19(1):e1301. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1301

Table 4.

Platforms/providers included in review.

Platform/provider Specific databases searched (if applicable) Search fieldsa Resource type
Ovid PsycInfo ab,hw,id,mh,ot,ti. Principal
Elsevier Scopus TITLE‐ABS‐KEY Principal
Web of Science Book Citation Index (Social Sciences & Humanities). Topic Principal
Social Sciences Citation Index.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Emerging Sources Citation Index.
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Social Sciences & Humanities)
EBSCOhost Criminal Justice Abstracts Title Principal
ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences ti, ab, mainsubject Principal
ProQuest Sociological Abstracts ti, ab, if Principal
Informit CINCH: Australian Criminology Database All Fields Supplementary
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global ti, ab, mainsubject, diskw Principal
EThOS (Dissertations) N/A All fields Supplementary
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) N/A All fields Supplementary

Whilst it might be preferable to search across all search fields in every database, it would be impractical to do so in the larger databases (e.g., Scopus, Web of Science) as the number of records returned would be too large to sift. These search fields are tailored to the size of each database.