Table 1.
Subset | Phenotype | Location | Function | Transcription Factors (TFs) |
TCM | CD62Lhi, CCR7hi, CD127hi CD27hi, CX3CR1lo, KLRG1lo | Circulation, Primarily in LN and SLO | ++ Ag-dependent expansion +/- Cytotoxicity |
Eomes, FOXO1, Bcl6, Id3, TCF1 |
TEM | CD62Llo, CCR7lo, CD127hi/lo CD27hi/lo, CX3CR1hi/lo KLRG1hi/lo | Circulation, primarily in blood and occasionally NLT | +/- Ag-dependent expansion ++ Cytotoxicity |
T-bet, Blimp1, Zeb2, Id2 |
TRM | CD69hi depending on NLT: CD103hi CD49ahi, CXCR3hi, CXCR6hi | Primarily NLTs, also found in draining LN | + Proliferation ++ Sense and alarm function |
Hobit, Blimp1, Runx3 |
+/- means a great fraction of the cells in the subset is endowed with the function while a noticeable population within the subset is not.