Outcomes following screening in the Dutch cervical cancer screening programme, cohorts 2017 and 2018 up until March 31, 2019. Cases with missing values for income or screening region are not shown. Approximately 1.5% of CIN 2+/3+ lesions were diagnosed outside of the normal screening pathways (i.e., either after incongruent advice or inadequate cytology). These are not shown on this flowchart but are included in the model. Imputed CIN values for women who used the self-sampling test and had no cytology result are not included. #, There were 56 women given the advice to return to routine screening following a hrHPV+/NILM screening result. Compliance with 6 month cytology is calculated as a proportion of those women receive advice to return for 6 month cytology. *, There were 19 women who used self-sampling given the advice for a repeat cytology test following an hrHPV+/ASC-US screening result. Compliance with referral is calculated as a proportion of those women receive referral advice. **, There were 142 women who received an advice other than referral for colposcopy following a low-grade cytology abnormality. Compliance with referral is calculated as a proportion of those women receive referral advice. ‡, Not all women who complied with referral advice received an histologically confirmed diagnoses (i.e., cytology only). These women are also included in this category. NILM, negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy; ASC-US+, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or higher.