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. 2022 Dec 14;130(2):234–241. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2022.11.003

Table 1.

subject characteristics and intraoperative factors. Normal continuous variables are presented as mean (standard deviation). Non-normal continuous variables presented as median [inter-quartile range]. Categorical data are presented as n (%). ∗Absolute values of standardised difference below 0.28 represent satisfactory balance for that demographic. P-values 0.05 represent no statistical difference between the groups in the associated factor.

Patient characteristics
Total hip arthroplasty
Oral (n = 98) Intravenous (n = 98) Standardised difference∗
Baseline factors
Age (yr) 65 [57, 70] 65 [61, 70] −0.155
Female 55 (56) 42 (43) 0.268
Race 0.210
 White 92 (94) 87 (89)
 Non-White 6 (6) 11 (11)
Ethnicity 0.254
 Non-Hispanic 90 (91) 92 (94)
 Hispanic 8 (9) 6 (6)
ASA physical status 0.222
 1 3 (3) 5 (5)
 2 82 (84) 86 (88)
 3 13 (13) 7 (7)
BMI (kg m−2) 28.7 (5.1) 29.6 (4.3) 0.196
Perioperative factors
Oral Intravenous P-value
Surgical time (min) 76 [65, 95] 83 [69, 95] 0.097
Drain use 1 (1) 1 (1) 1.000
Total knee arthroplasty

Baseline factors
Oral (n = 93) Intravenous (n = 98) Standardised difference∗
Age (yr) 66 [60, 71] 66 [61, 71] 0.015
Female 56 (60) 56 (57) 0.062
Race 0.228
 White 75 (81) 81 (83)
 Non-White 18 (19) 17 (17)
Ethnicity 0.024
 Non-Hispanic 85 (91) 89 (91)
 Hispanic 8 (9) 9 (9)
ASA physical status 0.136
 1 3 (3) 2 (2)
 2 76 (82) 84 (87)
 3 14 (15) 11 (11)
BMI (kg m−2) 29.4 [26.9, 33.0] 30.8 [26.0, 34.3] −0.075
Perioperative factors
Oral I.V. P-value
Surgical time (min) 95 [79, 116] 91 [76, 105] 0.161
Tourniquet time (min) 49 [39, 65] 48 [37, 60] 0.197
Drain use 11 (12) 6 (6) 0.180