Figure 2 – Experimental design: oscillating visual stimuli identify fast- and slow-responding voxels in V1.
A) Subjects viewed a flickering checkerboard with oscillating luminance contrast to drive neural oscillations in V1. Some voxels showed a faster response to the visual stimulus and other showed a slower response, with a noticeable difference in the temporal dynamics of the mean response in these groups. Shading represents standard error. B) Example of a functional localizer in one subject with the white lines denoting the outline of the primary visual cortex (V1) based on anatomical segmentation. One visual stimulus run was used as a functional localizer to identify stimulus-driven voxels in V1. C) For all stimulus-driven voxels in V1, the phase of the response to the visual stimulus was calculated from the average of the visual stimulus runs not used as the functional localizer, corresponding to the local hemodynamic delay. D) We defined groups of “fast” and “slow” voxels using a Gaussian fit to the histogram of phases. Histogram shows example from one representative subject. E) Example map of fast and slow voxels generated for a single subject. F) Frequency spectrum of a representative slow and fast voxel’s resting-state signal, showing a difference in power drop off across frequencies, with a steeper slope for the slower voxel.