Figure 2: Celltype-specific chromatin accessibility dynamics in response to vaccination.
(A) Bridge integration-based mapping of human PBMC scATAC-seq data onto the CITE-seq dataset from Figure 1B, using a multi-omic dataset as a bridge. Cells are colored by reference-derived annotation. (B) Coverage plots indicating chromatin accessibility around IFI6, IFITM3, and ISG15 in CD14 monocytes across all time points. Corresponding gene expression for each cell population, from the CITE-seq dataset, is shown on the right. (C) Scatter plot measuring correlation between Day 0 and Day 2 pseudo-bulk chromatin accessibility of CD14 monocytes. Each point corresponds to a called scATAC-seq peak. (D) UMAP visualization of scATAC-seq data on Day 0 and Day 28 after bridge integration. Vaccine-induced populations are highlighted in red. (E) CD38 protein expression levels, which were not considered during the bridge integration procedure, are correctly up-regulated in cells predicted to be vaccine-induced. (F) Examples of enhancer loci that are specifically accessible in vaccine-induced cells. Chromatin accessibility patterns on Day 28 are shown for four selected cell types. SNP sites are annotated as yellow lines. (G) Motif-based overrepresentation analysis of transcription factor binding sites in the top 1000 peaks with differentially enriched accessibility in the vaccine-induced group A cells.