(A) UMAP of immune cells in young + aged 4dpw wounds.
(B) Proportion of each immune subpopulation out of all immune cells in (A).
(C) Expression of marker genes used for identification of cell populations in (A).
(D) Expression of select genes in neutrophils from (A). See Table S4 for full list of differentially expressed genes.
(E) Flow cytometry of neutrophils and DCs in UW and 4dpw skin. n = 4 each for young and aged samples.
(F) Flow cytometry of DCs in LNs at 4dpw. n = 5 each for young and aged samples. Bar graphs (E and F) represent mean ± SD. p values were calculated using prop.test function in R (B), Wilcoxon rank sum test (D), or unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test (E and F). ***p < 0.001.