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. 2001 Mar;65(1):1–43. doi: 10.1128/MMBR.65.1.1-43.2001


Hyperthermophile diversity

Organism (references) Growth conditions Isolation/habitat Metabolic properties
  Aquifex pyrophilus (152) 85°C, pH 6.8, 3% NaCl Shallow MHTVc, Kolbeinsey Ridge, north off Iceland Microaerophilic, strict chemolithoautotroph. H2, S0, and S2O32− serve as electron donors; O2 and NO3 serve as electron acceptors
  Thermocrinis ruber (147) 80°C, pH 7.0–8.5, <0.4% NaCl Octopus spring, Yellowstone Chemolithoautotrophic microaerophile; grows chemoorganoheterotrophically on formate or formamide
  Thermotoga maritimaa (150) 80°C, pH 6.5, 2.7% NaCl Heated sea floors, Vulcano, Italy, and Azores Heterotroph anaerobe. Grows on cabohydrates and proteins; H2 inhibits growth.
  T. neapolitana (24) 77°C, pH 7.5 Shallow marine hot spring, Naples, Italy Heterotroph anaerobe; grows on glucose, sucrose, lactose, starch, and YEc; reduces S0 to H2S
  Thermotoga strain FjSS3-B.1 (153) 80–85°C, pH 7.0 Intertidal hot spring, Savusavu, Fiji Anaerobe, chemoorganotroph; grows on carbohydrates, including glycogen, starch, and cellulose; produces acetate, H2, and CO2, does not reduce S0 or SO42−
Archaea: Crenarchaeota
  Sulfolobus shibatae (122) 81°C, pH 3.0 Acidic geothermal spring, Beppu, Kiushu Island, Japan Aerobe; facultative chemolithoautotrophic growth by S0 oxidation; can grow on carbohydrates, YEc, and tryptone
  S. solfataricusb (383) 87°C Solfataric fields Heterotroph; grows on carbohydrates
  S. islandicus (380) Unknown Solfataric fields, Iceland Obligate heterotroph; grows on peptides and carbohydrates
  Stygiolobus azoricus (302) 80°C, pH 2.5–3.0 Solfataric fields, Sao Miguel Island, Azores Strict anaerobe; grows chemolithoautotrophically on H2 by reducing S0 to H2S; no growth by anaerobic S0 oxidation
  Acidianus infernus (301) 90°C, pH 2.0, 0.2% NaCl Hot water, mud, and marine sediments at hot springs in Italy, the Azores, and the United States Facultative aerobe, obligate chemolithotrophic growth by S0 oxidation (aerobic) or by S0 reduction with H2 (anaerobic)
  A. ambivalens (106, 384) 80°C, pH 2.5 Solfataric source, Leirhnukur fissure, Iceland Facultative anaerobe, chemolithoautotroph; uses either S0 + O2 (yielding H2SO4) or S0 + H2 (yielding H2S) as energy source.
  Thermoproteus tenax (33, 382) 88°C, pH 5.0 Solfataric fields, Iceland Anaerobe, facultative chemolithoautotroph; heterotrophic growth on glucose, starch, glycogen, a few alcohols, a few organic acids, peptides, and formamide by S0 respiration; H2S required; produces acetate, isovalerate, and isobutyrate from peptone + S0
  T. neutrophilus (104, 295) 85°C, pH 6.8 Hot spring, Iceland Anaerobe, facultative autotroph; acetate >> succinate > propionate can be used as carbon sources
  T. uzoniensis (33) 90°C, pH 5.6 Uzon caldera, Kamchatka peninsula Anaerobe; ferments peptides, producing acetate, isovalerate, and isobutyrate; S0 stimulates growth.
  Pyrobaculum islandicum (148) 100°C, pH 6.0 Geothermal power plant, Iceland Anaerobe, facultative heterotroph (growth on peptide substrates with S0, S2O32− sulfite, l-cystine, or oxidized glutathione as electron acceptors; grows chemolithoautotrophically on CO2, S0 + H2, (produces H2S)
  P. organotrophum (148) 102°C, pH 6.0 Solfataric fields, Iceland, Italy, and Azores Anaerobe, obligate heterotroph; growth on peptide substrates with S0, l-cystine, or oxidized glutathione as electron acceptor
  P. aerophilumb (355) 100°C, pH 7.0, 1.5% NaCl Shallow marine boiling-water holes, Iischia, Italy Grows by aerobic respiration or by dissimilatory nitrate reduction; heterotrophic growth on peptide substrates, propionate, and acetate; autotrophic growth by H2 or S2O32− oxidation; S0 inhibits growth
  Thermofilum pendens (376) 85–90°C, pH 5.0–6.0 Solfataric fields, Iceland Heterotrophic anaerobe, mildly acidophile; grows by S0 respiration on complex peptide substrates; requires S0, H2S, and a polar lipid fraction from T. tenax
  Desulfurococcus mobilis (381) 85°C, pH 6.0 Solfataric fields, Iceland Strict heterotrophic anaerobe; grows on peptide substrates; S0 respiration or fermentation
  D. amylolyticus (34) 90–92°C, pH 6.4 Thermal springs, Kamchatka peninsula Strict heterotrophic anaerobe; grows on peptide substrates and polysaccharides; S0 stimulates growth
  Staphylothermus marinus (103) 92°C, pH 4.5–8.5, 1–3.5% NaCl Heated sea floor, Vulcano, Italy Strict anaerobe; S0dependent; heterotrophic growth on complex organic substrates; produces CO2, acetate, isovalerate, and H2S
  Thermosphaera aggregans (146) 85°C, pH 6.5, 0% NaCl Yellowstone, Obsidian pool Heterotrophic anaerobe (YE, AA mix, glucose); S0 inhibits growth
  Pyrodictium occultum (276, 321,   322) 105°C, pH 5.5, 1.5% NaCl Marine solfataric fields, Vulcano, Italy Strict anaerobe; autotrophic growth on H2 + CO2 + S0 (produces H2S); in the presence of YE, can grow by reduction of S2O32−
  P. abyssi (276) 97°C, pH 5.5, 0.7–4.2% NaCl Deep-sea MHTV, Guaymas, Mexico; shallow MHTV, Kolbeinsey Ridge, north off Iceland Anaerobe, strict heterotroph; grows by fermenting carbohydrates, cell extracts, proteins, and acetate; produces CO2, isovalerate, isobutyrate, and butanol, reduces S0 and S2O32− in the presence of H2
  P. brockii (276, 322) 105°C, pH 5.5, 1.5% NaCl Marine solfataric fields, Vulcano, Italy Strict anaerobe; autotrophic growth on H2 + CO2 + S0 (produces H2S); YE stimulates growth yield; Reduces SO32−, not S2O32−
  Hyperthermus butylicus (377) 95–106°C, pH 7.0, 1.7% NaCl Marine solfataric field, Azores Heterotrophic anaerobe; uses peptide mixtures as carbon and energy sources; forms H2S from S0 + H2 as accessory energy source; produces CO2, l-butanol, acetate, phenylacetate, and hydroxyphenyl acetate
  Thermodiscus maritimus (104) 85°C, pH 6.5 Hot sea water, Vulcano, Italy Obligate autotroph
  Pyrolobus fumarii (28) 106°C, pH 5.5, 1.7% NaCl Deep-sea MHTV (3,650 m), Mid-Atlantic Ridge Obligate H2-dependent chemolithoautotroph, grows by NO3, S2O32−, or O2 (0.3%) reduction; S0 and several organic nutrients inhibit growth; no growth at 85°C and below
  Aeropyrum pernixa (291) 90–95°C, pH 7.0, 3.5% salt Coastal solfataric MHTV, Japan Strict aerobe, heterotroph; grows on complex peptide substrates; no H2S production
  Caldococcus litoralis (385) 88°C, pH 6.4, 2.5% NaCl Shallow MHTV, Kurile Islands Strict anaerobic chemoorganotroph; grows on complex peptide substrates and amino acids; S0 stimulates growth (reduced to H2S)
Archaea: Euryarchaeota
  Palaeococcus ferrophilus (329) 83°C, pH 6.0, 4.7% sea salt Deep-sea MHTV, Ogasawa-Bonin Arc, Japan Strict anaerobic chemoorganotroph; grows on proteinaceous substrates in the presence of S0 or Fe2+
  Thermococcus aggregans (57) 88°C, pH 7.0 Guaymas basin, Mexico Chemoorganotrophic strict anaerobe
  T. barophilus (233) 85°C, pH 7.0, 2–3% NaCl MHTV (3,550 m), Mid-Atlantic Ridge Obligate heterotroph; S0 stimulates growth; obligate barophile at 95–100°C
  T. guaymasensis (57) 88°C, pH 7.2 Guaymas basin, Mexico Chemoorganotrophic anaerobe
  T. celer (378) 88°C, pH 5.8, 4% NaCl Shallow marine solfataric field, Vulcano, Italy Obligate heterotrophic anaerobe; grows on peptide substrates by S0 respiration or by fermentation; NaCl required
  T. acidaminovorans (84) 85°C, pH 9.0, 1–4% NaCl Shallow MHTV, Italy Obligate heterotroph; grows on amino acids as sole carbon and energy source; S0 stimulates growth
  T. chitonophagus (151) 85°C, pH 6.7, 2% NaCl Deep-sea MHTV, Guaymas, Mexico Obligate heterotrophic anaerobe; grows on chitin, YE, and meat extract; produces H2 (H2S in the presence of S0), CO2, NH3, acetate, and formate
  T. barossii (89) 82.5°C, pH 6.5–7.5, 1–4% NaCl Juan de Fuca Ridge Obligate heterotrophic anaerobe, grows on peptides; S0 required for growth
  T. litoralis (260) 85°C, pH 6.0, 1.8–6.5% NaCl Marine solfataras, Vulcano and Naples, Italy Obligate heterotrophic anaerobe; grows in complex peptide substrates; S0 stimulates growth
  T. profundus (186) 80°C, pH 7.5, 2–4% NaCl MHTV (1,400 m), Mid-Okinawa Trough, Japan Obligate heterotrophic anaerobe; S0 dependent; uses complex peptide substrates, starch, pyruvate and maltose
  T. stetteri (249) 75°C, pH 6.5, 2.5% NaCl Marine solfararic fields, Northern Kurils Strict anaerobe, S0 dependent; uses complex peptide substrates, starch, and pectin; production of CO2, acetate, isobutyrate, isovalerate, and H2S
  T. hydrothermalisb (117) 85°C, pH 6.0 2–4% NaCl Deep-sea MHTV, East Pacific Rise Obligate heterotrophic anaerobe; grows on proteolysis products, AA mix, and maltose in the presence of S0
  Pyrococcus furiosusb (102) 100°C, pH 7.0, 2% NaCl Marine solfataric fields, Vulcano, Italy Obligate heterotrophic anaerobe; grows on peptide substrates and carbohydrates; S0 stimulates growth, probably by detoxifying H2 (forming H2S)
  P. woesei (379) 100–103°C, pH 6.0–6.5, 3% NaCl Marine solfataras, Vulcano, Italy Obligate heterotrophic anaerobe (YE, peptides, PS); S0 respiration, no fermentation
  P. abyssi (95) 96°C, pH 6.8, 3% NaCl Deep-sea MHTV, North Fiji Basin Obligate chemoorganotroph, fermenting peptide substrates; Produces CO2, H2, acetate, propionate, isovalerate, and isobutyrate; produces H2S in the presence of S0; facultative barophilic; NaCl required
  P. horikoshiia (119) 98°C, pH 7.0, 2.4% NaCl Okinawa Trough, western Pacific Obligate heterotrophic anaerobe; Trp auxotroph
  Archaeoglobus fulgidusa (316) 83°C, pH 5.5–7.5 Heated sea floor, Vulcano, Italy Strict anaerobe; chemolithoautotroph in the presence of H2, CO2, and S2O32−; heterotrophic growth on formate, formamide, lactate, glucose, starch, and peptide substrates; produces traces of methane
  A. profundus (49) 82°C, pH 4.5–7.5, 0.9–3.6% NaCl Deep-sea MHTV, Guaymas, Mexico Strict anaerobe, mixotroph, requires H2 for growth; uses organic acids, YE, peptide substrates as carbon sources; electron acceptors include sulfate, S2O32−, and sulfite
  Methanococcus jannaschiia (167) 85°C, pH 6.0, 2–3% NaCl Deep-sea MHTV (2,600 m), East Pacific Rise Autotrophic anaerobe, methanogen; NaCl and sulfide required for growth
  M. vulcanius (165) 80°C, pH 6.5, 2.5% NaCl East Pacific Rise Anaerobe, methanogen; growth stimulated by YE, selenate, and tungstate; reduces S0 in the presence of CO2 and H2
  M. fervens (165) 85°C, pH 6.5, 3% NaCl Guaymas Basin, Mexico Anaerobe, methanogen; growth stimulated by YE, selenate, and tungstate, Casamino Acids, and trypticase
  M. igneus (48) 88°C, pH 5.7, 1.8% NaCl Shallow MHTV, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, north off Iceland Anaerobe, methanogen, obligate chemolitho- autotroph; S0 inhibits growth
  M. infernus (166) 85°C, pH 6.5, 2.5% salt Deep-sea MHTV, Mid-Atlantic Ridge Chemolithotroph, obligate anaerobe, methanogen, reduces S0; YE stimulates growth
  Methanothermus fervidus (323) 83°C, pH 6.5 Icelandic hot spring Anaerobe, methanogen; requires YE to grow in artificial medium
  M. sociabilis (292) 88°C, pH 6.5 Continental solfatara fields, Iceland Anaerobic S-independent autotroph; methanogen
  Methanopyrus kandleri (149) 98°C, pH 6.5, 1.5% NaCl Deep-sea MHTV, Guaymas, Mexico Strict anaerobe chemolithoautotroph; methanogen

Fully sequenced genomes. 


Genome sequencing in progress 


Abbreviations: MHTV, marine hydrothermal vent; YE, yeast extract; AA, amino acid.