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. 2023 Jan 25;19(1):e1010610. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010610

Fig 1. Complex V is essential for germline stem cell differentiation.

Fig 1

(a) Drosophila germarium. GSCs at the anterior tip of germaria asymmetrically divide and differentiate. The differentiating cell undergoes four rounds of mitosis with incomplete cytokinesis to generate a 16-cell interconnected cysts. The 16-cell cyst buds off as an egg chamber to further mature into an egg. (b-d) Representative images of 1-day old Control (mCherry) (b), CVα (c), and CVe (d) KD germaria driven by nos-GAL4. White-dashed lines mark the germline. (e) Quantification of the latest differentiation stage in germaria of indicated genotypes. RNAi were driven by nos-GAL4. Number of germaria scored is indicated above each bar. (f) Complex V dimer at the tip of mitochondrial cristae. CVα forms one of the main catalytic components of the complex. Subunits g and e are required for dimerization. Putative null alleles in α and g were generated. (g, h) Representative images of Control (g) and CVα (h) mosaic germaria 14-days after clone induction. Mutant GFP-negative clones are marked with the white-dashed lines. (i, j) Frequency of CVα (i) and CVg (j) mutant clones 5-, 11- or 14-days after clone induction. Undifferentiated: germline cells in region 1 including GSC, cystoblasts, 2-, 4- and 8-cell cysts. Differentiated: germline cells in region 2 containing 16-cell cysts. Number of germaria observed are given inside the bars. P-values were calculated using Fisher’s exact test. For all images scale bars represent 10 μm. For exact genotypes see S2 Table.