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. 2023 Jan 25;19(1):e1011118. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011118

Table 1. Top mass-spectrometry hits from PfCYP19B pull-down experiment.

Accession Description Symbol Coverage [%] # Peptides # PSMs Function Ratio CYP19B/EVC present in # of replicates
PF3D7_0917900 * heat shock protein 70 BIP 44 26 95 protein folding, stress response 26 3
PF3D7_1115600 * peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase CYP19B 56 9 39 protein folding, stress response, 200 3
PF3D7_0821700 * 60S ribosomal protein L22 - 7 1 10 ribosome 6 3
PF3D7_1402500 * ribosomal protein S27a - 15 2 8 ribosome 7 3
PF3D7_1200600 * shewanella-like protein phosphatase 2 SHLP2 18 5 7 cell invasion, apical complex 4 3
PF3D7_1026000 conserved Plasmodium protein - 4 1 3 unknown 3 2
PF3D7_0831400 Plasmodium exported protein - 4 1 2 exported 6 3
PF3D7_0729400 ribosome biogenesis protein BRX1 - 5 2 2 ribosome maturation 4 3
PF3D7_0827900 protein disulfide-isomerase PDI8 2 1 2 protein folding, stress response 3 3
PF3D7_1368400 ribosomal protein L1 - 9 2 2 ribosome 3 3
PF3D7_0102500 erythrocyte binding antigen-181 EBA181 1 1 1 exported, cell adhesion, micronemes 5 1
PF3D7_0928500 conserved Plasmodium protein - 13 1 1 unknown 4 2
PF3D7_1207100 pre-rRNA-processing protein ESF1 - 1 1 1 ribosome maturation 4 3
PF3D7_0503000 50S ribosomal protein L28 - 6 1 1 ribosome, apicoplast 4 3
PF3D7_0510500 topoisomerase I TopoI 1 1 1 DNA metabolism 3 3
PF3D7_1136400 signal recognition particle subunit SRP72 SRP72 1 1 1 transport 3 3
PF3D7_0917900 * heat shock protein 70 BIP 46 26 84 protein folding, stress response 30 3
PF3D7_1115600 * peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase CYP19B 56 9 34 protein folding, stress response, 200 3
PF3D7_1110400 * RNA-binding protein - 2 3 6 unknown 4 3
PF3D7_0814000 * 60S ribosomal protein L13-2 - 20 4 4 ribosome 4 3
PF3D7_1352500 thioredoxin-related protein - 9 2 3 stress response 200 2
PF3D7_1020000 RNA-binding protein 34 RBM34 4 1 3 unknown 5 3
PF3D7_0210100 60S ribosomal protein L37ae - 26 2 3 ribosome 5 3
PF3D7_0827900 protein disulfide-isomerase PDI8 4 2 3 protein folding, stress response 4 3
PF3D7_0614500 60S ribosomal protein L19 RPL19 10 2 2 ribosome 5 3
PF3D7_0928500 conserved Plasmodium protein - 13 1 2 unknown 4 3
PF3D7_1222300 endoplasmin GRP94 1 1 1 folding, export 200 2
PF3D7_1207100 pre-rRNA-processing protein ESF1 - 3 1 1 ribosome maturation 200 3
PF3D7_1303800 conserved Plasmodium protein - 0 1 1 unknown 5 2
PF3D7_0723900 RNA-binding protein - 1 1 1 unknown 3 3
PF3D7_0917900 * heat shock protein 70 BIP 42 23 68 protein folding, stress response 23 3
PF3D7_1115600 * peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase CYP19B 43 8 31 protein folding, stress response 200 3
PF3D7_0614500 60S ribosomal protein L19 RPL19 5 1 2 ribosome 200 2
PF3D7_1033300 conserved protein - 8 1 1 unknown 3 2

Number of detected peptides and peptide-spectrum matches (PSM) are shown. Column “Ratio CYP19B/EVC” indicates the ratio between signal abundance from pull-down performed on Pfcyp19b-OE parasite line over signal abundance in the empty Vector control (EVC, background). Only samples with a ratio ≥ 3 are shown in this table; ratios of 200 indicate that there was no peptide signal detected in the control background sample (see Materials and Methods). Pull-downs were performed independently in three biological replicates per each distinct IDC stage and mean values are shown.

*—High-confidence hits (present in all 3 out of 3 replicates

#PSM > 3, Pfcyp19b-OE/EV ratio ≥ 3).