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. 2022 Aug 23;11(4):299–308. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-1751096

Table 1. Baseline clinicodemographic, operative, and pathological characteristics of the study cohort.

Variables N  = 185
Age (y) 53.84 ± 11.82
Sex (male:female) 127:58
Clinical “T” stage
 cT1 + cT2 27 (14.7%)
 cT3 79 (43.2%)
 cT4 77 (42.1%)
Pathological “T” stage
 pT0 + pT1 + pT2 42 (22.7%)
 pT3 58 (31.35%)
 pT4 85 (45.95%)
Pathological “N” stage
 pN0 55 (29.7%)
 pN+ 130 (70.3%)
Perioperative chemotherapy
 Yes 71 (38.4%)
 No 114 (61.6%)
Greater curvature tumors
 Yes 105 (56.8%)
 No 80 (43.2%)
Subtotal vs total gastrectomy
 Subtotal 122 (65.9%)
 Total 63 (34.1%)
Completeness of the resection
 R0 159 (86%)
 R1 + R2 26 (14%)
 Tumor size (cm) 4.47 ± 2.63
 Tumor depth (cm) 1.18 ± 0.69
Lymphovascular invasion
 Yes 54 (29.4%)
 No 131 (70.6%)
Perineural invasion
 Yes 110 (59.5%)
 No 75 (40.5%)
Perinodal extension
 Yes 22 (11.9%)
 No 163 (88.1%)
Omental metastasis
 Yes 20 (10.8%)
 No 165 (89.2%)
Signet ring cell tumor
 Yes 14 (7.6%)
 No 171 (92.4%)
Histological grade of the tumor
 Well/moderately differentiated 74 (40.0%)
 Poorly differentiated 111 (60.0%)
 Yes 56 (30.3%)
 No 129 (69.7%)
Peritoneal recurrence
 Yes 33 (17.8%)
 No 152 (82.2%)

Note: Values expressed as n (%) or mean ± SD.