Risk decision-making test for mice. (A) Schematic diagram of experimental apparatus and procedure. The apparatus consisted of a start arm and four choice arms, including one low-risk/low-reward baited arm (L-L arm), one high-risk/high-reward baited arm (H-H arm), and two empty arms. A water bottle was glued at the end of the baited arm. (B) Risk/reward probabilities of the L-L arm and H-H arm. Under the standard condition, the choice of the L-L arm resulted in small risk (2/16 trials, risk probability: 12.5%) with frequent normal water (14/16 trials, 87.5%). Choice of the H-H arm resulted in infrequent reward (2/16 trials, reward probability: 12.5%) with more significant risk (14/16 trials, 87.5%). Blue droplets: normal water; black droplets: quinine water; red droplets: sucrose water. (C) Performance of mice in the gambling test. A dotted line indicates the level of chance for arm choice. (D) The number of entries into empty arms.