Fig. 3. Ebrain, FNC neuroplasticity and cognitive side-effects.
a Ebrain is positively correlated with the change in DKEFS Verbal Fluency - Letter Fluency. b Changes in FNC between cerebellum (3) and MOG is negatively correlated with Ebrain and the change in DKEFS Verbal Fluency - Letter Fluency. c ∆cerebellum-MOG FNC mediates the effects of Ebrain on ∆DKEFS Verbal Fluency - Letter Fluency. d Changes in FNC between cerebellum (4) and PCC is positively correlated with Ebrain and the change in DKEFS Verbal Fluency - Letter Fluency. e ∆cerebellum-PCC FNC mediates the effects of Ebrain on ∆DKEFS Verbal Fluency - Letter Fluency. * Significance p < 0.05, FDR corrected. Ebrain the 90th percentile of electric field magnitude in the brain, FNC functional network connectivity, DKEFS Delis Kaplan Executive Function System, MOG middle occipital gyrus, PCC posterior cingulate cortex, FDR false discovery rate.