Total biomass (g) |
Aboveground and underground biomass determination. Shoots and roots were dried at 60°C for 72 h before weight determination. |
Root biomass (g) |
Underground biomass determination. The root dry mass was obtained using the same drying procedure as that used for the determination of the total biomass. |
Root depth (cm) |
Length of the longest root (distance from the crown to the tip of the root) calculated from 10 randomly selected plants. |
Number of productive tillers |
Number of tillers with fertile spikes. |
Total number of tillers |
Number of tillers with fertile and nonfertile (without grains) spikes. |
Plant height (cm) |
Average plant height measured from soil surface to the tip of spike (including awns) at the harvest time. Plant height was measured in a random sample of 10 plants. |
Spike length (cm) |
Length of spike from 10 randomly selected spikes in a plot (without awns). |
Number of grains per spike |
Number of grains collected from 10 randomly selected spikes in a plot. |
Weight of grains per spike (g) |
Average weight of grains per spike, calculated from 10 randomly selected spikes in a plot. |
Weight of grains per plant (g) |
Average weight of grains collected from one plant, calculated as average of measurements of grain weight for 10 plants. |
Thousand-grain weight (g) |
For the measurement of 1000-grain weight, 1000 seeds were taken randomly from each genotype and grain weight were measured. |