Algorithm 1: PSO based linear kernel SVM algorithm |
Result: HCCI emission model:
training data set: splitting data set: training , cross-validation , and test Random hyperparameters: Run Quadratic Programming of equation (11) to calculate and Calculate support vector sets based on equation (13) Calculate model based on random hyperparameters using Equation (14) Set PSO options: , , , and ; whilei∈ or over ≥ do Calculate cost function: Run PSO algorithm to minimize and find hyperparameters Update hyperparameters: Run Quadratic Programming of equation (11) to calculate and Calculate support vector sets based on equation (13) Calculate model based on Updated hyperparameters using equation (14) end 1. Maximum number of iterations for optimization ( ), 2. Positive integer ( ), 3. Non-negative scalar: Iterations end when the relative change in cost function value over the last MaxStallIterations iterations is less than FunctionTolerance , 4. Number of particles in the swarm , 5. Relative change |