Copy number association Manhattan plots for four different UK Biobank traits
Exon-level signals are shown in different shades of gray and CNV call level signals in orange and green.
(A–D) Associations for (A) hair color using a linear model, (B) associations for standing height using a linear model, (C) associations for disease coding asthma using a logistic model, (D) associations for disease coding myocardial infarction using a logistic model.
(E) Zoom locus plot showing chr15 around the OCA2/HERC2 genes for hair color signal.
(F) Zoom locus plot showing chr15 around the ADAMTSL3/UBE2Q2L/GOLGA6L4 genes for standing height signal.
(G) Zoom locus plot showing chr2 around the genes CHROMR, PRKRA, and PJVK for asthma signal.
(H) Zoom locus plot showing chr6 around the LPA gene for myocardial infarction signal.