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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Feb 7.
Published in final edited form as: Cancer Epidemiol. 2022 Jun 16;79:102195. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2022.102195

Table 1.

Descriptive characteristics of the study population by breast cancer cases and its molecular subtypes compared to controls, the Nigerian Integrative Epidemiology of Breast Cancer Study(NIBBLE), years 2014–2016.

Breast Cancer Cases
N = 1400 Controls
N = 892 N (%) / Mean ± SD
Total Cases
N = 508 N (%) / Mean ± SD
p-value a Hormone Receptor Positive (HRP) (ER+/PR+)
N = 127 N (%) / Mean ± SD
p-value a Triple-Negative (TNBC) (ER−, PR−, HER2−)
N = 123 N (%) / Mean ± SD
p-value a

Age, years 40.1 ± 9.0 45.5 ± 11.1 < 0.001 45.5 ± 8.9 < 0.001 46.7 ± 12.6 < 0.001
Age at first menstrual period, years 14.4 ± 2.0 14.3 ± 1.7 0.450 14.3 ± 1.6 0.713 14.2 ± 1.7 0.231
Education < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
 Elementary≤ 136(15.2) 146(28.7) 39(30.7) 42(34.2)
 Completed HS 239(26.8) 103(20.3) 18(14.2) 21(17.1)
 Post HS no University 209(23.4) 125(24.6) 37(29.1) 29(23.6)
 Completed University 304(34.1) 115(22.6) 29(22.8) 29(23.6)
 Missing 4(0.5) 19(3.7) 4(3.2) 2(1.5)
Marital status < 0.001 0.017 < 0.001
 Married 633(71.0) 351(69,1) 91(71.7) 88(71.6)
 Single 157(17.6) 54(10.6) 11(8.6) 10(8.1)
 Separated/Divorced/Widowed 100(11.2) 84(16.6) 21(16.5) 23(18.7)
 Missing 2(0.2) 19(3.7) 4(3.2) 2(1.6)
Occupation < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
 Self-Employed 97(10.9) 135(26.6) 29(22.8) 42(34.2)
 Unskilled Manual 483(54.2) 203(40.0) 49(38.6) 46(37.4)
 Skilled Manual 150(16.8) 116(22.8) 32(25.2) 28(22.8)
 Professional/Executive 127(14.2) 24(4.7) 6(4.7) 3(2.4)
 Missing 35(3.9) 30(5.9) 11(8.7) 4(3.2)
Wealth Index 0.001 0.011 0.543
 Low 356(39.9) 190(37.4) 45(35.4) 55(44.7)
 Middle 232(26.0) 171(33.7) 47(37.1) 42(34.2)
 High 293(32.9) 123(24.2) 29(22.8) 22(17.9)
 Missing 11(1.2) 24(4.7) 6(4.7) 4(3.3)
Ever used oral contraceptives 0.127 0.138 0.154
 Yes 298(33.4) 144(28.4) 33(26.0) 33(26.8)
 No 584(65.5) 340(66.9) 89(70.0) 88(71.6)
 Missing 10(1.1) 24(4.7) 5(4.0) 2(1.6)
Parity 0.009 0.110 0.074
 0 117(13.1) 50(9.8) 10(7.9) 14(11.4)
 1–2 204(22.9) 86(16.9) 21(16.5) 25(20.3)
 3–5 409(45.9) 237(46.7) 62(48.8) 48(39.0)
 ≥ 6 155(17.4) 111(21.9) 28(22.1) 33(26.8)
 Missing 7(0.8) 24(4.7) 6(4.7) 3(2.5)
Menopausal status < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
 Postmenopausal 179(20.1) 185(36.4) 42(33.1) 51(41.6)
 Premenopausal 708(79.4) 304(59.8) 81(63.8) 70(56.9)
 Missing 5(0.5) 19(3.8) 2(2.1) 2(1.5)
Ever breastfed more than one month 0.332 0.404 0.653
 Yes 677(75.9) 386(76.0) 100(78.7) 95(77.2)
 No 191(21.4) 95(18.7) 23(18.1) 24(19.5)
 Missing 24(2.7) 27(5.3) 4(3.2) 4(3.3)
BMI kg/m2 0.096 0.808 0.272
 < 25 240(26.9) 154(30.3) 35(27.6) 31(25.2)
 25–29.99 305(34.2) 171(33.7) 38(29.9) 45(36.6)
 ≥ 30 324(36.3) 153(30.1) 45(35.4) 44(35.8)
 Missing 23(2.6) 30(5.9) 9(7.1) 2(2.4)
WHR 0.004 0.095 0.565
 High, > 0.85 558(62.6) 347(68.4) 86(67.7) 80(65.0)
 Normal≤ 0.85 299(33.5) 130(25.5) 32(25.2) 38(30.9)
 Missing 35(3.9) 31(6.1) 9(7.1) 5(4.1)
Smoke 0.714 0.972 0.334
 Yes 7(0.8) 3(0.6) 1(0.7) 0(0)
 No 879(98.5) 485(95.5) 121(95.3) 121(98.4)
 Missing 6(0.7) 20(3.9) 5(4.0) 2(1.6)
Alcohol use 0.507 0.107 0.037
 Yes 178(20.0) 105(20.7) 17(13.3) 35(28.5)
 No 708(79.4) 381(75.0) 105(82.7) 86(69.9)
 Missing 6(0.6) 22(4.3) 5(4,0) 2(1.6)
Total METs hour/week 11.9 ± 14.9 8.3 ± 11.1 < 0.001 10.6 ± 16.3 0.369 7.8 ± 9.4 0.003
Physical activity at home (Standing hour/week) 0.051 0.025 0.093
 0–5 291(32.6) 191(37.6) 30(23.6) 48(39.0)
 6–10 323(36.2) 164(32.3) 40(31.6) 47(38.2)
 ≥ 10 273(30.6) 131(25.8) 52(40.9) 26(21.2)
 Missing 5(0.6) 22(4.3) 5(3.9) 2(1.6)
Physical activity at work (Standing hour/week) < 0.001 0.208 0.007
 0–5 185(20.7) 156(30.7) 34(28.8) 40(32.5)
 6–10 276(30.9) 158(31.1) 33(26.0) 36(29.3)
 ≥ 10 426(47.8) 173(34.1) 55(43.3) 45(36.6)
 Missing 5(0.6) 21(4.1) 5(3.9) 2(1.6)
Leisure-time physical activity (meet the WHO recommendations) < 0.001 0.134 < 0.001
 Physical active 246(27.7) 84(16.6) 28(22.1) 19(15.4)
 Physical inactive 616(69.1) 374(73.6) 93(73.2) 97(78.9)
 Missing 30(3.2) 50(9.8) 6(4.7) 7(5.7)
Leisure-time physical activity by METs h/w < 0.001 0.032 < 0.001
 < 3.75 208(23.3) 202(39.8) 48(37.8) 56(45.5)
 3.75–6.69 222(24.9) 100(19.7) 28(22.0) 26(21.1)
 6.70–14.74 216(24.2) 80(15.7) 20(15.8) 15(12.2)
 14.75 ≤ 216(24.2) 76(15.0) 25(19.7) 19(15.5)
 Missing 30(3.4) 50(9.8) 6(4.7) 7(5.7)

BMI, Body Mass Index; HS, High School; METs, Metabolic Equivalents; SD, Standard Deviation; WHR, Waist-Hip Ratio; h, hour; w, week.


cases(Total, hormone receptor positive, triple-negative) are compared to controls.