Localization of labelled whole genomic DNA (gDNA) from diploid species used as probes for in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes (fluorescing blue). (A) Eighteen chromosomes of U. ruziziensis (2x, CIAT 6419) showing strong signals of gDNA_Uruz1 probe (red) in pericentromeric regions of chromosomes and some terminal signals on one or both arms of several chromosomes. (B) Urochloa ruziziensis (2x, CIAT 6419) metaphase showing strong signals of gDNA_Udec1 probe (green) in eight pairs of chromosomes (satellites of two chromosomes remain unlabelled; red arrowheads), and weak signals in centromeres of two chromosomes (yellow arrowheads). (C) Metaphase of U. decumbens (4x, CIAT 6370) with 18 strong and 18 weak signals of gDNA_Udec2 probe (green), and four red signals of rDNA after hybridization with gDNA_Umax1 probe. (D) Metaphase of U. decumbens (4x, CIAT 6370) showing 18 strong and 18 weak signals of gDNA_Udec1 probe (green). (E) Same metaphase as in D, showing signals of gDNA_Uruz1 probe (red) in the same position as gDNA_Udec1 probe, which confirms the similarity of the genomes of these accessions. (F) Chromosomes of U. brizantha (4x, PI 292187) with red signals of gDNA_Uruz1 probe: nine very strong and 27 weak. (G) Chromosomes of U. brizantha (4x, PI 292187) with green signals of gDNA_Udec1 probe: nine very strong and 27 weak; gDNA_Umax1 probe shows four red signals (rDNA): one signal in chromosome with strong gDNA_Udec1 signal (yellow arrowheads) and three signals in chromosomes with weak gDNA_Udec1 signals (red arrowheads). (H) Metaphase of U. brizantha (4x, PI 292187) with some rDNA and dispersed signals of gDNA_Umax2 probe (green); gDNA_Ubriz1 probe did not show signals. (I) Metaphase of U. brizantha (6x, PI 226049) with gDNA_Uruz1 probe signals (green) in centromeres: 18 strong, 18 weaker and 18 weak; gDNA_Ubriz1 probe (red) gave four red signals (rDNA). (J) Metaphase of U. brizantha (6x, PI 226049) with gDNA_Udec1 probe signals (green) in centromeres: 18 strong, 18 weaker and 18 weak. (K) Metaphase of U. humidicola (8x + 2 or 9x − 4, CIAT 16867) showing dispersed signals of gDNA_Uruz1 (red) and gDNA_Udec2 (green) probes along chromosomes; many of these signals did not overlap. (L) Metaphase of U. maxima (4x, CIAT 6171) with pericentromeric and telomeric signals of gDNA_Umax1 probe (red). (M) Chromosomes of U. decumbens (4x, CIAT 664) with four rDNA (red arrowheads) and very weak dispersed signals in centromeres after hybridization with gDNA_Umax1 probe (red). (N) Metaphase of Urochloa sp. (5x, PI 508570) showing 18 chromosomes with dispersed signals of gDNA_Ubriz1 probe (red) and 27 chromosomes with dispersed signals of gDNA_Umax1 probe (green). (O) Metaphase of Urochloa sp. (4x, PI 508571) showing signals of gDNA_Uruz1 probe (red) and gDNA_Udec1 probe (green) in 18 chromosomes; the 18 remaining chromosomes showed no signals. Scale bars = 5 µm.