Fig. 5.
Localization of abundant repetitive sequences on chromosomes of different species belonging to the ‘brizantha’ complex. Probes are described in Supplementary Data Table S3. Chromosomes (right) were arranged by chromosomal distribution of FISH signals and chromosome length. (A) Eighteen strong signals of Uruz-spec1 probe (green) at pericentromeric regions of U. ruziziensis (2x, CIAT 6419) chromosomes. (B) Uruz-spec1_50mer labelled 18 chromosomes of U. decumbens (4x, CIAT 664; green). (C) Ubriz-spec2 probe showed strong signals in terminal regions of nine chromosomes of U. decumbens (4x, CIAT 664). Udec2x-spec3 probe showed strong signals in pericentromeric positions of chromosomes, even those with terminal Ubriz-spec2 signals. Two chromosomes exhibited very strong green fluorescence (white arrows). Some signals were more dispersed along chromosomes, and the 18 chromosomes without Ubriz-spec2 signal had weak Udec2x-spec3 signals. (D) Metaphase of U. decumbens (4x, CIAT 664); Ubriz-spec3 showed a similar pattern of signals as Ubriz-spec2 in C. Udec2x-spec6 showed only nine chromosomes with weak signals. (E) Metaphase of U. decumbens (4x, CIAT 6370); Ubriz-spec2 probe produced seven signals in the terminal position of chromosomes; one chromosome with (yellow arrow) and one chromosome without Ubriz-spec2 signals (white arrow) showed strong signals in pericentromeric and subtelomeric positions of Udec2x-spec1 probe. (F) Metaphase of U. brizantha (4x, PI 210724); 12 signals of Ubriz-spec2 probe at terminal regions of chromosomes. (G) Metaphase of U. brizantha (4x, PI 292187); same number and position of Ubriz-spec2 signals as in F where two of the 12 signals were weaker (white arrows). Thirty chromosomes showed strong to weak Udec2x-spec1 signals, while the other six had very weak or no signals. (H) Urochloa brizantha (4x, PI 292187); gDNA-Udec probe gave strong signals on some chromosomes with Ubriz-spec3 signals and those without Ubriz-spec3 signals. (I) Urochloa brizantha (6x, PI 226049); Ubriz-spec2 and Udec2x-spec1 probes differentiated chromosomes into five types: nine chromosomes with Ubriz-spec2 signals (group I), 11 chromosomes with Ubriz-spec2 and Udec2x-spec1 signals (group II), 11 chromosomes with strong Udec2x-spec1 signals (group III), 14 chromosomes with very weak Udec2x-spec1 signals (group IV), and nine chromosomes without any signals (group V). In group II, there was a pair of chromosomes showing the same pattern of signals (white arrows), although it seems that another chromosome from this group (yellow arrow) had the same strong pericentromeric signal of Udec2x-spec1 probe as another chromosome from group III (yellow arrow). (J) Metaphase of U. brizantha (6x, PI 226049) showing nine chromosomes with very strong pericentromeric signals of Uruz-spec1 probe. (K) Metaphase of U. brizantha (4x, PI 292187); Ubriz-spec3 probe gave 12 signals at the terminal position of chromosomes. One very strong signal of Udec4x-spec3 detected at the terminal region of one chromosome (white arrow). (L) Metaphase of U. decumbens (4x, CIAT 664) showing four terminal signals of Udec4x-spec3 probe: one strong on chromosome without Ubriz-spec3 signals, and three weak on chromosomes showing Ubriz-spec3 signals (white arrows). Scale bars = 5 µm.