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. 2023 Feb 7;131(2):027004. doi: 10.1289/EHP11171

Figure 4.

Figure 4 is a set of ten error bar graphs. On the top, the five error bar graphs are titled Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale 7 (anxiety), plotting relative risks (95 percent confidence interval) per doubling chemical level, ranging from 0 to 4 in unit increments (y-axis) across sex, including female and male; Race or ethnicity, including Underrepresented group and Non-Hispanic White; prenatal social disadvantage index score, including high (greater than or equal to 3) and Low (less than 3); and Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment, including low (less than 45) and high (greater than or equal to 45) (x-axis) for Prenatal and Postnatal. At the bottom, the five error bar graphs are titled Patient Health Questionnaire- 8 (depressive), plotting relative risks (95 percent confidence interval) per doubling chemical level, ranging from 0 to 4 in unit increments (y-axis) across sex, including female and male; Race or ethnicity, including Underrepresented group and Non-Hispanic White; prenatal social disadvantage index score, including high (greater than or equal to 3) and Low (less than 3); and Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment, including low (less than 45) and high (greater than or equal to 45) (x-axis) for Prenatal and Postnatal.

Overall and sociodemographic/nonchemical stressor strata-specific RRs (95% CI) [RR (95% CI)] for early adulthood moderately elevated anxiety (GAD-7) and depressive symptoms (PHQ-8) associated with a doubling of prenatal and postnatal (i.e., peak early childhood) Pb (micrograms per deciliter) (n=197 for GAD-7; n=198 for PHQ-8). Note: Modified Poisson regression models, including both prenatal and postnatal lead, were adjusted for parental and household characteristics (PNSDI score, maternal smoking during pregnancy) and participant characteristics [age at assessment, race/ethnicity (URG, NHW), sex, HOME score]. See Table S16 for corresponding numeric data. CI, confidence interval; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale; HOME, Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment; Mn, manganese; NHW, Non-Hispanic White; Pb, lead; PHQ-8, Patient Health Questionnaire; PNSDI, prenatal social disadvantage index; RR, risk ratio; URG, underrepresented group.