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. 2022 Dec 5;38(2):480–489. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07937-z

Table 1.

Characteristics of Included Studies (N=8)

Study, year (reference) Country Population Participants, N Design Objectives Findings Relevant tools or frameworks
Parunyan et al. 202034 USA Third year medical students 158; 41 finished surveys Quasi-experimental mixed methods; quality improvement Assess intervention on students’ knowledge and skills with screening and referral tools

- Improved confidence in giving resources (p<.001)

- 63% used resource directory

- Meaningful to have access to screening and resources; should not only be required from students

- Inpatient setting is too difficult/busy for screening

- Challenges using EHR technology for resources

- Unequipped to recommend resources

Salma et al. 201648 Tunisia Sixty-five years and older; Average age 73.5 ± 6.6 years 60 Case series Report on the nutrition and activity in daily living among elderly inpatients

- Most were middle class

- 18% lived alone; 18% had social and family issues

- 73% were vulnerable or exposed to malnutrition

- 13% were functionally dependent



SDoH tool not listed

Bui et al. 202037 USA Patients at high risk for readmissions, living in low-income postal codes; 76% were black, 55% female 187 Quasi-experimental; quality improvement Implement SDoH screening program to reduce readmissions and enhance primary care transitions. To learn about barriers to community referrals.

- Food security was often addressed

- More challenges with addressing utility bill payments, home and caregiving support

- Food insecurity was reported to have a decreased readmission rate from 38% to 27% after intervention

- Increase in primary care provider follow-up visits from 22% to 35%

Yaman et al. 200346 Turkey Hospitalized adult patients; mean (±SD) age: 41±17 years, 62% women 99 Case series Describe health-related QOL among inpatients

- Low QOL, particularly among women

- Association between QOL and social relationships and environment (p<.05), and physical health, independence, psychological well-being (p<.001)

Nardi et al. 200751 Italy DHD patients in a medium size country hospital, mean age: 82 99 Cross-sectional Understand the prevalence of DHD, report clinical and social background of patients, provide targeted post-discharge assistance

- DHD represented 5.4% of annual patient admissions

- 95% lacked family support

- 24% experienced malnutrition

- 58% lacked autonomy in daily living

- 80% had functional and/or cognitive challenges

BINA index, SDoH tool not listed
Williams et al. 201945 USA Fourth year medical students 38 intervention notes and 24 control notes Quasi-experimental Assess if framework assisted students with non-biomedical history taking, and whether it is viewed as applicable or allow social factors to be intervened on

- Intervention group had more biopsychosocial information domains excluding behavioral health (p≤.001)

- Reported enhanced team-based care and recognition of SDoH information that could be assisted with the provision of interdisciplinary team and resources

Six-domain biopsychosocial framework
Smith et al. 201743 Canada Patients discharged from large teaching hospital, median age: 67 (IQR 50–81), female (54%), and white (69%) 1427 Prospective cohort Understand sociodemographic relationship with 30-day readmissions

- 46% did not want to disclose or did not know their income

- Most frequently reported income was below CAD$20,000 (14%)

- 80% were comfortable speaking with healthcare team in English

- 57% had post-secondary schooling

- 14% had 30-day readmissions; sociodemographics were not associated with readmissions

Measuring Health Equity
Kearney et al. 202035 USA COPD patients in urban safety-net hospital 51 Mixed methods To examine SDoH challenges among COPD patients and barriers to self-management

- 86% had at least one social need; of those, 71% desired help, particularly with transportation to medical appointments, housing, food, and mental health

- SDoH were barriers to managing COPD symptoms


MNA-SF, Mini Nutritional Assessment short-form; ADL, Activities of Daily Living; PRAPARE, Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patients’ Risks, Assets, and Experiences; WHOQOL, World Health Organization Quality of Life; DHD, difficult hospital discharges; BINA, Breve Indice della Non Autosufficienza.