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. 2022 Apr 20;38(2):285–293. doi: 10.1007/s11606-022-07561-x

Table 1.

Baseline patient and VA Medical Center (VAMC)-level characteristics within each service-specific cohort by receipt of low-value preoperative testing before propensity score weighting

EKG study cohort† CXR study cohort†
Low-value EKG group
Comparison group
Low-value CXR group
Comparison group
Patient-level characteristics
  Age, year, mean (SD) 63.2 (12.4) 63.5 (13.7) 64.4 (13.0) 64.5 (13.7)
  Male sex, n (%) 45,269 (90.9) 532,878 (90.9) 26,655 (92.3) 653,626 (92.0)
  Race/ethnicity, n (%)
    Non-Hispanic White 36,060 (72.4) 415,344 (70.9) 19,602 (67.9) 510,843 (71.9)
    Non-Hispanic Black 9,843 (19.8) 118,794 (20.3) 6,342 (22.0) 136,961 (19.3)
    Hispanic 2,625 (5.3) 35,460 (6.1) 2,183 (7.6) 43,022 (6.1)
    Non-Hispanic/multiracial 1,292 (2.6) 16,406 (2.8) 738 (2.6) 19,314 (2.7)
  VA priority group, n (%)
    1 18,409 (37.0) 228,698 (39.0) 10,884 (37.7) 276,583 (39.0)
    2–6 24,911 (50.0) 276,651 (47.2) 14,278 (49.5) 332,328 (46.8)
    7–8 6,500 (13.1) 80,655 (13.8) 3,703 (12.8) 101,229 (14.3)
  Number of Elixhauser conditions§, mean (SD) 1.7 (1.8) 1.5 (1.6) 1.9 (1.9) 1.5 (1.6)
  Driving distance to nearest VA facility, miles, mean (SD) 14.8 (14.7) 14.9 (14.6) 14.3 (14.1) 15.0 (14.5)
VAMC-level characteristics
  Academic affiliation, yes, n (%) 48,881 (98.1) 574,075 (98.0) 28,577 (99.0) 696,434 (98.1)
  Facility size, total # outpatient visits FY18, mean (SD) 768,038 (366,899) 802,318 (395,800) 852,268 (389,269) 809,367 (400,211)
  Census region, n (%)
    Northeast 5,932 (11.9) 7,4691 (12.8) 3,092 (10.7) 92,170 (13.0)
    Midwest 12,677 (25.5) 133,995 (22.9) 5,825 (20.2) 162,437 (22.9)
    South 19,154 (38.5) 256,116 (43.7) 14,164 (49.1) 310,237 (43.7)
    West 12,057 (24.2) 121,202 (20.7) 5,784 (20.0) 145,296 (20.5)
  Rurality, n (%)
    Large metropolitan 22,682 (45.5) 623,481 (45.0) 14,849 (51.4) 319,720 (45.0)
    Small metropolitan 17,488 (35.1) 210,327 (35.9) 9,267 (32.1) 254,668 (35.9)
    Micropolitan 5,557 (11.2) 64,652 (11.0) 2,644 (9.2) 77,975 (11.0)
    Noncore rural 4,093 (8.2) 47,544 (8.1) 2,105 (7.3) 57,777 (8.1)
  Facility complexity level, n (%)
    High complexity 41,687 (83.7) 478,725 (81.7) 25,548 (88.5) 548,240 (82.3)
    Medium complexity 4,857 (9.8) 54,428 (9.3) 2,064 (7.2) 65,279 (9.2)
    Low complexity 3,276 (6.6) 52,851 (9.0) 1,253 (4.3) 60,621 (8.5)

EKG electrocardiogram, CXR chest radiograph

With the exception of driving distance for the EKG study cohort and age and sex for the CXR cohort, the low-value service groups and comparison groups had statistically significant differences in characteristics (p<0.05). Absolute standardized mean differences were <0.10 for all variables after applying propensity score weights (Appendix Table 3 and Appendix Table 5)

Veterans are assigned to 1 of 8 priority groups at VA enrollment based on service-connected illnesses, era of Service, and socioeconomic status determined by means testing. Priority group determines level of co-payment. Priority groups are condensed for presentation in the table based on similarity of copays between groups but were included separately in our models

§Individual Elixhauser conditions shown in Appendix Table 3 and Appendix Table 5

The complexity rating is based on a VAMC’s patient volume, number and breadth of physician specialists, patient case mix, intensive care unit capabilities, and degree of teaching and research

Missing values for race/ethnicity (4% missing), VA priority group (<0.1%), driving distance to nearest VA facility (0.1%), census region (0.8%), rurality (0.1%) generated using single imputation