Figure 3.
Million Veteran Program (MVP) cause-specific cumulative incidence using MVP-specific and reference threshold. Cause-specific cumulative incidence for Black or African American (Black/AA) men compared with average-risk Non-Hispanic White (PHS290 30-70th percentiles) stratified by PHS290, for (A, D) fatal prostate cancer, (B, E) metastatic prostate cancer, and (C, F) prostate cancer. PHS290 percentile groups shown for each endpoint: 0-20th, 30-70th, 80-100th, and 95-100th. Incidence curves using MVP group-specific thresholds defined in MVP are shown in dashed lines, while reference thresholds are solid lines. For example, the purple solid line represents the 5% of Black men with PHS290 below the 20th percentile defined previously in an independent dataset of men with European ancestry. The purple dotted line represents the 20% of Black MVP participants with lowest PHS290 in the present MVP dataset.