Mean brain response (via a priori regions, see Methods) to evocative (drug, sexual, and aversive) minus neutral cues displayed by outcome group across task halves. a) Mean to drug (-neutral) cues. There was an interaction of group × halves and a main effect of halves. There was a significant difference between the Good vs. Poor outcome groups in Half2 and a significant decrease in responding in the Good group from Half1 to Half2. b) Mean response to sex (-neutral) cues. There was a main effect of halves, in that all outcome groups generally had a decrease from Half1 to Half2. c) Mean response to aversive (-neutral) cues. No significant results were found. † significant interaction (FDR corrected, p < 0.05). # significant main effect of halves (FDR corrected, p < 0.05). * significant difference, post-hoc t-test (FDR corrected, p < 0.05). Good: outcome group with less than 40% positive cocaine urines in outpatient. Poor: outcome group with more than 85% positive cocaine urines in outpatient. INT: outcome group with percent positive urines in between Good and Poor outcome groups.