PBMCs from adult and aged BCG-vaccinated macaques from the time points indicated were stimulated with CFP for 5 days (adult CFP shown in white bars & open squares; old CFP shown in grey dotted bars & closed squares). Supernatants were collected post 1st tuberculin challenge and antigen-specific responses (in pg/mL) were detected by Luminex for production of (A) chemokines, (B) cytokines, (C) growth factors, and (D) the ligand PDL1. Media serves as the control for non-specific responses to stimulation and is shown for adult PBMCs in white bars & open circles and old PBMCs in grey bars and closed circles. Student t test Adult vs Old, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.