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. 2022 May 27;65(6):2343–2363. doi: 10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00051

Table 1.

Demographics of Phase 3 respondents.

Respondent groups Child Parent School professional
Number of children reported on (N = 907) N = 211 N = 392 N = 226/304*
Child characteristics
 Child age (mean/median & range in years) 13.2/13 (7–17) 11.2/11 (6–17) 9.8/9 (5–17)
 Gender (number & percentage of sample)
  Male 98 (46%) 189 (48%) 159 (52%)
  Female 105 (50%) 191 (49%) 142 (47%)
  Did not disclose 8 (4%) 12 (3%) 3 (1%)
 Group type (number & percentage of sample)
  Hearing loss 156 (74%) 296 (76%) 220 (72%)
   Unilateral loss 34 (22%) 60 (20%) DNC
   Bilateral loss 122 (78%) 236 (80%) DNC
  No hearing loss 50 (24%) 93 (24%) 61 (20%)
  Did not disclose 5 (2%) 3 (< 1%) 23 (8%)
 Description of child's hearing impairment** n = 156 n = 296
  Slight/mild 34 (22%) 65 (22%) DNC
  Moderate 60 (38%) 115 (39%) DNC
  Severe 23 (15%) 50 (17%) DNC
  Profound 31 (20%) 59 (20%) DNC
  Did not disclose 8 (5%) 7 (2%) DNC
Parent characteristics
 Highest level of education
  Some high school NA 12 (3%) DNC
  High school grad/GED NA 47 (12%) DNC
  Some college/postsecondary NA 61 (16%) DNC
  Associate's degree NA 29 (7%) DNC
  Bachelor's degree NA 97 (25%) DNC
  Graduate/professional degree NA 103 (26%) DNC
  Did not disclose NA 43 (11%) DNC
School professional characteristics
 Professional type
  General educator NA NA 72 (32%)
  Deaf educator NA NA 79 (35%)
  Special educator NA NA 19 (8%)
  Speech-language pathologist NA NA 23 (10%)
  Educational audiologist NA NA 12 (6%)
  Other*** NA NA 21 (9%)

Note. DNC = did not collect data from respondents; NA = category is not applicable to respondents; GED = General Educational Development.


Forty-five of the 226 participants provided data on multiple children. Forty-four of the 45 respondents reported on two to six children (mean/median = 2.8/2 children). One respondent reported on 18 children.


See text for descriptions. Respondents rated hearing difficulties when listening bilaterally (not ear specific).


Occupational therapists, educational interpreters, counselors, and paraprofessionals.