Patterns in dispensed antibiotics to children aged <5 years in the United States for respiratory and nonrespiratory conditions. A, Mean cumulative number of antibiotic courses received per child between birth and age 5. B, Proportion of children who have received at least 1 antibiotic course between birth and age 5. C, Histograms of the number of antibiotics received per child by age 5, depicting the variation in number of antibiotic courses received across children. In panels (A) and (B), lines depict means and bands depict 95% confidence intervals according to a 2-tailed t test for the mean. Colors correspond as follows: all conditions, black, solid (upper lines in (A) and (B), right-most distribution in (C)); respiratory conditions, blue, solid (middle lines in (A) and (B), middle distribution in (C)); nonrespiratory conditions, blue, dashed (lower lines in (A) and (B), left-most distribution in (C)).