Table 1.
Approach | Methodology | Trio-specified? | Anomalus hybrid ancestry | Deserticola hybrid ancestry | Paradoxus hybrid ancestry |
Treemix | Allele frequency covariance in a tree | No | Positive | Positive | Positive |
ADMIXTOOLS2 | f2 tests in a tree | No | Positive | Positive | Positive |
fbranch | f4 tests for specific tree-based sets | No | Positive | Positive | Positive |
Patterson's D | Shared derived alleles for trios | Yes | Negative | Negative | Positive |
Twisst | Gene tree topology counts | Yes | Negative | Negative | Negative |
QuIBL | Model based branch lengths for secondary topologies | Yes | Negative | Negative | Negative |
Note.—Methodology describes the statistic being considered in the test.