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. 2023 Jan 17;40(2):msad013. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msad013

Table 1.

Results for Tests for Hybrid Ancestry of Proposed Hybrid Species.

Approach Methodology Trio-specified? Anomalus hybrid ancestry Deserticola hybrid ancestry Paradoxus hybrid ancestry
Treemix Allele frequency covariance in a tree No Positive Positive Positive
ADMIXTOOLS2 f2 tests in a tree No Positive Positive Positive
fbranch f4 tests for specific tree-based sets No Positive Positive Positive
Patterson's D Shared derived alleles for trios Yes Negative Negative Positive
Twisst Gene tree topology counts Yes Negative Negative Negative
QuIBL Model based branch lengths for secondary topologies Yes Negative Negative Negative

Note.—Methodology describes the statistic being considered in the test.