Figure 5. Coevolution of S-protein sites 484 and 655.
Leading and trailing mutations are represented by blue (site 484), red (site 655) or violet (mutations at both sites on the same branch) right-pointing and left-pointing triangles respectively; diamond-shaped signs indicate mutations that are both leading and trailing, and violet signs indicate that both sites mutated on a single branch. All other mutations on internal branches, which are neither preceded nor followed by mutations at the other site on internal branches, are represented by circles. Mutations on terminal branches are excluded from the analysis and not shown (all mutations at these sites are shown on Figure 5—figure supplement 1). Branches carrying wild-type alleles (484E and 655 H) are shown in black; carrying substitutions at site 484, in blue; at site 655, in red; at both sites, in violet. Here, leading and trailing mutations at site 484 are either E>K or its reversions K>E; leading and trailing mutations at site 655 are H>Y or Y>H. The dashed branches correspond to the sequences of Gamma VOC according to GISAID annotation as of 07.09.2021. For clarity of presentation, some of the clades without mutations in these two sites are represented by elongate triangles, with color intensity indicating the number of strains in the clade.