Extended Data Fig. 1. Cells targeted by CD11c-Cre and consequences for Hh-specific T cell differentiation.
a, Phenotype of Hh7–2 TCR transgenic T cells in the colon lamina propria at 10 days after transfer into Hh-colonized MHCIIΔCD11c (n=3) and control mice (n=7), as indicated. b, Phenotype of host CD4+ T cells from mice in (a); MHCIIΔCD11c (n=3) and control mice (n=10), as indicated. c, Cytokine profile of Hh7–2 T cells shown in (a); MHCIIΔCD11c (n=4) and control mice (n=3). d, Proliferation and differentiation of Hh-specific iTreg and Th17 cells in the MLN of Ccr7−/− (n=5) and littermate control mice (n=5). CFSE-labeled Hh7–2 T cells were analyzed at 3 days following their adoptive transfer into Hh-colonized mice. Data summarize two independent experiments. e-f, Transcription factor (e) and intracellular cytokine (f) profiles of Hh7–2 T cells in the large intestine of Ccr7ΔCD11c (n=7 or 5, for transcription factors and cytokines, respectively) and littermate control (n=5) mice, at 10 days after adoptive transfer. g-i, Proportion in MLN of Hh7–2 with the iTreg phenotype at 3 days after transfer into BATF3−/− (g) (n=7), IRF4ΔCD11c (h) (n=6), and huLangerin (CD207)-DTA (i) (n=12) mice (red) and indicated littermate controls (black). Data summarize at least two independent experiments. Representative flow panels and aggregate data are shown for each analysis. All statistics were calculated by unpaired two-sided Welch’s t-test. Error bars denote mean ± s.d. p-values are indicated in the figure.