Extended Data Fig. 6. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting of circulating CD4 T cell subsets in ART-treated PWH.
Leukocytes (a) not part of multi-cell conjugates (b) that were viable and stained with the T cell marker CD3 (c) but not lineage markers CD20, CD56, TCR-γδ, CD14, or CD11c (d) and were CD4+ and CD8− (e) were identified by CD27 and CD45RO staining as phenotypically naïve (f, top-left gate, CD27+CD45RO− population) or memory (f, top-right and bottom gates) CD4 T cells. CD27+ memory CD4 T cells (f, top-right gate) were further separated into three populations by CXCR5 and CCR7 expression (g). Each of these three populations was then collected in two subsets defined by CCR6 expression (h–j). CD27− memory CD4 T cells (f, bottom gate) were collected in three subsets defined by CCR6 and CD57 expression (k). The sorting strategy yielded purified naïve and 9 subsets of memory CD4 T cells. The marker expression patterns of the sorted memory CD4 T cell subsets are shown in Extended Data Table 2. Percentages of all events on each plot falling within the indicated gates are indicated. Results are shown for participant ID 2013.