Fig. 3. Vgll3 promotes fibrosis-related gene expression in myofibroblasts.
a Representative MA plot of RNA-seq data demonstrating upregulated or downregulated genes by siVgll3 treatment in cardiac myofibroblasts. Red and green dots represent genes downregulated by siVgll3 treatment (M < −0.5, A > 0). Red and green dots represent proteinaceous extracellular matrix genes/extracellular matrix genes and the other genes shown in (b), respectively. b Enrichment analysis of ontology for the genes downregulated by siVgll3 treatment. c mRNA levels of Vgll3 and fibrosis-related genes in cardiac myofibroblasts transfected with siRNA (#1) targeting Vgll3 (n = 5 each). d Protein levels of Collagen I and GAPDH in cardiac myofibroblasts transfected with siRNA (#1) targeting Vgll3 (n = 3 each). e Col1a1 and Col1a2 mRNA levels in NIH3T3 cells overexpressing FLAG-VGLL3 (n = 5 each). f mRNA levels of Vgll3 3′UTR in NIH3T3 cells overexpressing FLAG-VGLL3 (n = 5 each). g mRNA levels of Vgll3 and fibrosis-related genes in hepatic stellate cells isolated from the livers of NASH model mice, and transfected with siRNA (#1) targeting Vgll3 (n = 5 each). h Protein levels of Collagen I and GAPDH in hepatic stellate cells isolated from the livers of NASH model mice, and transfected with siRNA (#1) targeting Vgll3 (n = 3 each). i mRNA levels of VGLL3 and fibrosis-related genes in CCD-18Co transfected with siRNA targeting VGLL3 (n = 5 each). All experiments were conducted at least three times. Data in (c–i) are presented as the mean ± SEM. P-values were determined using the one-sided Fisher’s exact test in (b), the two-sided Student’s t test in (c–f, h, i), and the two-sided Mann–Whitney’s U test in (g), Source data are provided as a Source Data file.