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. 2023 Jan 26;13:1061502. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1061502

Table 2.

Summary statistics of percent change in nRCBV and sRCBV by time point for the cohort of 2D-T1 non-progressors, overall and stratified by patient outcome (OS-1 and PFS-6).

Week Parameter N nRCBV sRCBV
Mean (SD) Median [Range] Mean (SD) Median [Range]
2 All patients 13 -17.1 (54.5) -11.6 [-89.8, 81.8] -16.1 (54.1) -37.4 [-91.5, 86.8]
OS-1 Alive 5 -52.9 (33.5) -64.7 [-89.8, -11.6] -56.4 (21.6) -51.7 [-91.5, -37.4]
Dead 8 5.2 (54.4) 0.3 [-78.5, 81.8] 9.2 (53.5) 9.1 [-61.0, 86.8]
PFS-6 No Progression 6 -57.2 (31.7) -69.5 [-89.8, -11.6] -57.2 (19.4) -56.0 [-91.5, -37.4]
Progression 1 6 12.7 (48.6) 0.3 [-53.6, 81.8] 7.9 (42.6) 9.1 [-54.2, 61.0]
8 All patients 15 -20.6 (49.8) -40.5 [-96.1, 68.8] -24.7 (36.8) -19.1 [-93.4, 42.7]
OS-1 Alive 6 -13.9 (53.8) -38.9 [-65.2, 68.8] -25.2 (23.5) -23.5 [-51.3, 8.2]
Dead 9 -25.0 (49.8) -46.8 [-96.1, 55.8] -24.3 (45.0) -19.1 [-93.4, 42.7]
PFS-6 No Progression 10 -32.9 (48.9) -46.8 [-96.1, 68.8] -31.3 (35.5) -41.0 [-93.4, 30.5]
Progression 2 4 21.6 (29.2) 16.8 [-3.0, 55.8] 2.7 (27.9) -6.3 [-19.1, 42.7]
16 All patients 8 -2.2 (44.7) -11.5 [-53.6, 56.7] -13.7 (27.3) -14.0 [-60.9, 33.8]
OS-1 Alive 6 -12.9 (44.3) -31.9 [-53.6, 54.7] -22.6 (22.1) -20.6 [-60.9, -0.003]
Dead 2 29.8 (38.0) 29.8 [3.0, 56.7] 13.2 (29.2) 13.2 [-7.5, 33.8]
PFS-6 No Progression 7 -10.6 (40.9) -26.0 [-53.6, 54.7] -20.5 (20.9) -20.5 [-60.9, -0.003]
Progression 3 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 Excludes one patient who progressed clinically prior to week 2.

2 Excludes one patient deemed by local site to have progressed based on the week 8 scan.

3 Excludes one patient deemed by local site to have progressed based on the week 16 scan. After this patient was excluded there were no remaining patients with progression.

nRCBV, normalized relative cerebral blood volume; sRCBV, standardized relative cerebral blood volume; OS-1, overall survival at 1 year; PFS-6, progression-free survival at 6 months; SD, standard deviation.

N/A, Not applicable.