Echocardiography measurement in conscious mice 5 weeks post-MI. A)
Representative M-mode echocardiography on conscious mice given either vehicle or
Ac-SDKP for 5 weeks after MI. IS indicates interventricular septum; DD, LV
diastolic dimension; and PW, LV posterior wall. B) and C) Left ventricular
shortening fraction (SF) and ejection fraction (EF) in mice treated with or
without Ac-SDKP, respectively. Left ventricular chamber dilation and markedly
reduced EF and SF were exhibited in mice with MI, ACE-NKO mice had significantly
better cardiac performances. Both EF and SF were improved by Ac-SDKP treatment
in WT mice but were not further improved in ACE-NKO mice. The number of
experiments was as follows: SF; WT-Sham (n = 13), WT- MI+
vehicle (n = 16), WT- MI + Ac-SDKP (n = 21),
ACE-NKO-Sham (n = 16), ACE-NKO- MI+ vehicle (n = 26), ACE-NKO-
MI + Ac-SDKP (n = 12); EF; WT-Sham (n = 14),
WT- MI+ vehicle (n = 15), WT- MI + Ac-SDKP (n
= 20), ACE-NKO-Sham (n = 12), ACE-NKO- MI+ vehicle (n = 17),
ACE-NKO- MI + Ac-SDKP (n = 12). *p < 0.05 vehicle
vs sham; **p < 0.001 Ac-SDKP
vs vehicle (By Student’s t-tests
with Satterthwaite correction for unequal variance).