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. 2023 Feb 7;48(1):E34–E49. doi: 10.1503/jpn.220086

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies included in the systematic review (part 1 of 3)

Author (year) Participants, n (% female, mean age) MRI scanner Segmentation method Study design Main findings
Alnæs et al.42 (2019)* Schizophrenia, 1151 (31%, 34 y)
Healthy controls, 2010 (44%, 33 y)
1.5 T and 3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort, multisite; genes Smaller volume in all subfields; larger left and right hippocampal fissure
Brown et al.43 (2019) MDD, 24 (38%, 40 y)
Healthy controls, 20 (25%, 40 y)
7.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort No significant difference
Cao et al.44 (2018) MDD, 24 (58%, 31 y)
Healthy controls, 15 (66%, 33 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3) Longitudinal design, case–control; ECT Baseline: no significant difference Longitudinal changes: increased left CA2/3, left and right CA4, left and right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, left subiculum
Cao et al.31 (2017) MDD, 86 (70%, 41 y)
Healthy controls, 152 (63%, 35 y)
1.5 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3) Cross-sectional design, case–control No significant difference
Doolin et al.32 (2018) MDD, 74 (64%, 33 y)
Healthy controls, 37 (51%, 31 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort Smaller left CA1, left and right CA2/3, right CA4
du Plessis et al.33 (2020) First-episode schizophrenia, 79 (27%, 23 y)
Healthy controls, 82 (43 %, 23)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort Statistical analysis between 2 groups was not available
Frodl et al.45 (2014) MDD, 43 (60%, 41 y)
Healthy controls, 43 (60%, 37 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer**) Cross-sectional design, case–control; genes Smaller CA1, CA2/3, CA4/dentate gyrus, subiculum
Frodl et al.46 (2014) MDD, 38 (66%, 41 y)
Healthy controls, 44 (61%, 36 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer**) Cross-sectional design, case–control; genes Smaller left CA2/3, left CA4/dentate gyrus
Han et al.21 (2019) MDD, 102 (59%, 36 y)
Healthy controls, 135 (58%, 36 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control Smaller left and right whole hippocampus, left and right CA1, left CA2/3, left and right CA4, left and right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, right subiculum, right presubiculum, left and right molecular layer
Han et al.47 (2017) MDD, 105 (82%, 43 y)
Healthy controls, 85 (71%, 40 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3) Cross-sectional design, case–control; genes No significant difference
Han et al.48 (2016) MDD, 20 (100%, 42 y)
Healthy controls, 21 (100%, 42 y)
1.5 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3**) Cross-sectional design, case–control Smaller left whole hippocampus, left CA2/3, left CA4/dentate gyrus, left and right subiculum
Harel et al.49 (2016) MDD, 15 (53%, 36 y)
Healthy controls, 15 (47%, 37 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3**) Cross-sectional design, case–control Smaller right whole hippocampus, right CA1, right CA2/3, right CA4/dentate gyrus
Ho et al.16 (2017) Schizophrenia, 155 (32%, 32 y)
Healthy controls, 79 (35%, 31 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3) Cross-sectional design, case–control; longitudinal design in a subcohort; multisite Schizophrenia: smaller left and right whole hippocampus, left CA1 Early-course schizophrenia: smaller left and right whole hippocampus, left and right CA1, right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus
Longitudinal changes: decreased left and right CA1, right CA2/3, left and right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, right molecular layer
Schizophrenia, 46 (22%, 43 y)
Healthy controls, 46 (22%, 42 y)
Smaller left and right whole hippocampus, left and right CA1, left and right CA2/3, left and right CA4, left and right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, left and right subiculum, left and right molecular layer, left and right hippocampal tail
Hu et al.66 (2020) Never-treated long-term schizophrenia, 29 (55%, 46 y)
Treated long-term schizophrenia, 40 (55%, 48 y)
Healthy controls, 40 (55%, 48 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control Never-treated long-term schizophrenia: smaller left and right whole hippocampus, right CA1 (body), left and right CA2/3 (head), right CA2/3 (body), left and right CA4 (head), left and right CA4 (body), left and right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus (head), left and right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus (body), left and right subiculum (body), left and right molecular layer (body), left and right hippocampal tail
Treated long-term schizophrenia: smaller left and right whole hippocampus, left CA4 (body), left granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus (body), left and right subiculum (body), left and right molecular layer (body), left and right hippocampal tail
Hu et al.50 (2019) Nonresponding MDD, 13 (38%, 36 y)
Early responding MDD, 25 (44%, 36 y)
Healthy controls, 55 (62%, 36 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3**) Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort MDD: no significant difference Nonresponding MDD: larger left and right CA1, left CA2/3, left CA4/dentate gyrus, left and right subiculum
Huang et al.67 (2013)§ Unmedicated MDD, 9 (44%, 33 y)
Medicated MDD, 11 (55%, 37 y)
Healthy controls, 27 (70%, 33 y)
4.7 T Manual Cross-sectional design, case–control Unmedicated MDD: smaller CA1–3 (body), dentate gyrus
Hýža et al.51 (2016) First-episode schizophrenia, 58 (0%, 23 y)
Healthy controls, 58 (0%, 24 y)
1.5 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.2**) Cross-sectional design, case–control Larger left CA1
Jiang et al.52 (2019) Schizophrenia with symptom remission after ECT, 10 (50%, 30 y)
Schizophrenia without symptom remission after ECT, 11 (55%, 28 y)
Schizophrenia treated by ECT (with and without symptom remission), 21 (52%, 29 y)
Schizophrenia with symptom remission after antipsychotic medication, 12 (75%, 31 y)
Schizophrenia without symptom remission after antipsychotic medication, 9 (33%, 30 y)
Schizophrenia treated by antipsychotic medication (with and without symptom remission), 21 (57%, 31 y)
Healthy controls, 23 (52%, 31 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Longitudinal design, cohort; ECT Longitudinal changes: schizophrenia treated by ECT (with and without symptom remission), increased left and right whole hippocampus
Kakeda et al.53 (2018) First-episode MDD, 40 (50%, 47 y)
Healthy controls, 47 (28%, 41 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control No significant difference
Kawano et al.68 (2015) First-episode schizophrenia, 19 (53%, 25 y)
Subchronic schizophrenia, 6 (50%, 22 y)
Chronic schizophrenia, 9 (33%, 37 y)
Healthy controls, 15 (33%, 25 y)
1.5 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.1**) Cross-sectional design, case–control; longitudinal design in a subcohort Baseline: first-episode schizophrenia, smaller left CA2/3, left CA4/ dentate gyrus
Subchronic schizophrenia: smaller left whole hippocampus, left CA2/3, left CA4/ dentate gyrus
Chronic schizophrenia: smaller left whole hippocampus, left CA2/3, left CA4/ dentate gyrus
Kraus et al.54 (2019) Acute MDD, 20 (70%, 31 y)
Remitted MDD, 28 (57%, 27 y)
Healthy controls, 22 (55%, 26 y)
7 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Longitudinal design, open-label trial Time 1: remitted MDD, larger right hippocampal fissure
Longitudinal changes: no significant difference
Time 2: remitted MDD, larger right HATA
Li et al.55 (2018) First-episode schizophrenia, 41 (59%, 24 y)
Healthy controls, 39 (51%, 24 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control; longitudinal design; antipsychotics Baseline: larger left and right CA4, left and right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, left and right molecular layer
Longitudinal changes: decreased left and right whole hippocampus, left CA1, left CA2/3, left and right CA4, left and right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, left and right molecular layer, left and right hippocampal tail, left fimbria
After treatment: larger left and right CA4
Maller et al.20 (2018) MDD, 182 (52%, 33 y)
Healthy controls, 68 (50%, 30 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Open-label trial Baseline: larger hippocampal tail
Mathew et al.69 (2014) Schizophrenia, 219 (34%, 35 y)
Healthy controls, 337 (55%, 37 y)
Unknown Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.1**) Cross-sectional design, case–control, multisite Smaller left and right whole hippocampus, left and right CA1, left and right CA2/3, left and right CA4/dentate gyrus, left and right subiculum, left and right presubiculum
Mikolas et al.56 (2019) MDD, 85 (67%, 39 y)
Healthy controls, 67 (67%, 36 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3) Cross-sectional design, case–control; genes Smaller whole hippocampus, CA1, CA2/3, CA4, granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, molecular layer
Na et al.57 (2014) MDD, 45 (76%, 42 y)
Healthy controls, 72 (71%, 41 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.0**) Cross-sectional design, case–control; genes No significant difference
Na et al.34 (2018) MDD, 47 (100%, 45 y)
Healthy controls, 30 (100%, 43 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control; genes No significant difference
Nakahara et al.35 (2020) Schizophrenia, 176 (25%, 39 y)
Healthy controls, 173 (29%, 38 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control, multisite Smaller CA1, CA4, granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, molecular layer, hippocampal tail; larger hippocampal fissure
Nguyen et al.58 (2019) First-episode MDD, 38 (47%, 47 y)
Healthy controls, 39 (28%, 41 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control; genes No significant difference
Ohi et al.36 (2021) Schizophrenia, 138 (60%, 42 y)
Healthy controls, 162 (33%, 37 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control Smaller right HATA; larger right hippocampal fissure
Orfei et al.59 (2017) Schizophrenia, 45 (33%, 40 y)
Healthy controls, 45 (33%, 40 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer**) Cross-sectional design, case–control Smaller left and right whole hippocampus, left and right CA1, left and right CA2/3, left and right CA4/dentate gyrus, left subiculum, left and right presubiculum, left and right hippocampal fissure
Ota et al.23 (2017) Schizophrenia, 20 (25%, 37 y)
MDD, 36 (47%, 38 y)
Healthy controls, 35 (46%, 39 y)
3.0 T Automatic (ASHS) Cross-sectional design, case–control Schizophrenia: smaller whole hippocampus, CA1, dentate gyrus than healthy controls, smaller whole hippocampus, dentate gyrus than MDD without medication MDD: no significant difference
Otsuka et al.60 (2019) First-episode MDD, 27 (41%, 46 y);
Healthy controls, 42 (26%, 41 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control; genes No significant difference
Roddy et al.70 (2019) MDD, 80 (71%, 35 y)
Healthy controls, 83 (59%, 32 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control Smaller left CA1, left and right CA2/3, left and right CA4, left and right granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, left and right subiculum, left hippocampal tail; larger right molecular layer
Sasabayashi et al.37 (2021) Schizophrenia, 77 (49%, 29 y)
Healthy controls, 87 (47%, 26 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort Smaller left and right CA1, left and right molecular layer, left hippocampal tail
Tannous et al.71 (2020) MDD, 71 (55%, 32 y)
Healthy controls, 46 (54%, 32 y)
7.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort No significant difference
Tesli et al.61 (2020) Schizophrenia with a history of violence, 24 (4%, 34 y)
Schizophrenia with no history of violence, 51 (2%, 29 y)
Healthy controls, 90 (3%, 33 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort, multisite Schizophrenia with a history of violence: smaller whole hippocampus, CA1, molecular layer, fimbria, HATA; larger hippocampal fissure
Schizophrenia with no history of violence: no significant difference
Travis et al.62 (2015)§ MDD, 15 (80%, 38 y)
Healthy controls, 15 (67%, 35 y)
4.7 T Manual Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort Smaller dentate gyrus (body)
Travis et al.63 (2016)§ MDD, 14 (64%, 36 y)
Healthy controls, 14 (71%, 33 y)
4.7 T Manual Cross-sectional design, case–control, cohort No significant difference
Vargas et al.64 (2018) Schizophrenia, 91 (26%, 38 y)
Healthy controls, 70 (56%, 18 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3**) Cross-sectional design, case–control Smaller left and right whole hippocampus, right CA1, left and right CA2/3, left and right CA4/dentate gyrus, left and right subiculum, left and right presubiculum
Xiu et al.38 (2021) First-episode schizophrenia, 39 (59%, 29 y)
Healthy controls, 30 (57%, 28 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 5.3) Cross-sectional design, case–control No significant difference
Xu et al.39 (2018) MDD, 15 (100%, 35 y)
Healthy controls, 12 (100%, 34 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control Smaller left fimbria
Yuan et al.40 (2020) MDD, 41 (59%, 35 y)
Healthy controls, 44 (59%, 33 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control No significant difference
Zheng et al.41 (2019)* Schizophrenia, 69 (16%, 38 y)
Healthy controls, 72 (29%, 36 y)
3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Cross-sectional design, case–control Smaller left and right whole hippocampus, left CA1, left subiculum, left and right presubiculum, right parasubiculum, left and right molecular layer, left hippocampal tail
Zhou et al.65 (2020) MDD, 44 (64%, 35 y) Healthy controls, 45 (53%, 33 y) 3.0 T Automatic (FreeSurfer 6.0) Longitudinal design; ketamine treatment Baseline: smaller left and right whole hippocampus Longitudinal changes: increased right whole hippocampus, right CA4 (head), left CA4 (body), left granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus (body), right molecular layer (head)

ASHS = Automatic Segmentation of Hippocampal Subfields; CA = cornu ammonis; ECT = electroconvulsive therapy; HATA = hippocampus–amygdala transition area; MDD = major depressive disorder.


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Atlas by van Leemput and colleagues.72

Atlas by Iglesias and colleagues.15