Fig. 3. Overview of datasets.
a, ZEBRAFINCH dataset17. Thirty-three gound truth volumes were used for training. b, Full raw dataset. Scale bar, 15 μm. c, Single section shows ground-truth skeletons. Zoom-in scale bar, 500 nm. d, Validation skeletons (n = 12). e, Testing skeletons (n = 50). f, HEMI-BRAIN dataset14. Eight ground-truth volumes were used for training. g, Full HEMI-BRAIN volume. Scale bar, 30 μm. Experiments were restricted to ELLIPSOID BODY (circled region). h, Volumes used for testing. i, Example sparse ground-truth testing data. Scale bar, 2.5 μm. j, Zoom-in scale bar, 800 nm. k, Example 3D renderings of selected neurons. l, FIB-25 dataset8. Four ground-truth volumes were used for training. m, Full volume with cutout showing testing region. Scale bar, 5 μm. n, Cross section with sparsely labeled testing ground-truth. o, Zoom-in scale bar, 750 nm. p, Sub-volume corresponding to zoomed-in plane. q, Subset of full ROI testing neurons. Small volume shown for context.